#00500Fuldmægtig Amsted [Ove Sprogøe] ligger under for alt og alle. For sine overordnede på kontoret og for sin kone. Gennem et sprængstof selvmord forsvinder Amsted fra jordens overflade og vender under nyt navn tilbage til barndommens land. @#00501Alt tyder på, at Allan Berg har begået den perfekte forbrydelse. Den måde, hvorpå skaffer sig af med liget af sin smukke unge steddatter, er genial og skulle sikre ham mod afsløring. Men krematoriearbejderen Hans Thomsen kommer lidt på tværs, fordi han i forbindelse med sin gode fidus, gør en chokerende opdagelse. Bergs næsten perfekte forbrydelse og Thomsens opdagelse sætter de to mænd op mod hianden i et djævelsk - og livsfarligt - spil. @#00502The evil age-old Count terrorises London and the surrounding countryside. A small group of individualists, led by vampire hunter Van Helsinge & Jonathan Harker, fight to destroy the abomination, who has already begun to work his sinister ways with Harker's wife-to-be Mina. @#00503(Hvordan får man held i kærlighed uden at rører en finger). Sven Gjeholm er kommerciel pornoforfatter, han går i den grad op i sit forfatterskab, at han helt glemmer, at sex-liv også kan praktiseres i det virkelige liv, hvilket går ud over hans søde unge livsledsagerske, Brit @#00504Adjunkt Tvebo er en sur kvæulant - indtil han en dag får en tagsten i hovdet. Så bliver den 40 årige som en på sytten. Hans livsideal bliver "Den erotiske idyl" - og i den lille by nedlægger han nu damerne efter tur. Da han i byens fredsforening sige sin mening, ender det med lagkageslagsmål. Til denne filmoptagelse gik der over 300 lagkager. @#00505Ferngully is the home of Crysta and her friends, a friendly gang of wierd and wonderful creatures who are blissfully unaware of the human therat to their rainforest - until it's almost too late. @#00506En fattig musiker har lånt en musikprofessors lejlighed, da en ung svensk kommer for at få sangundervisning, falder han for fristelsen til at udgive sig for professoren. @#00507En stille morgen kan hele byen le af den kendte Dr. Falke, der fortumlet efter et karneval er på vej hjem gennem gaderne - forklædt som flagermus. Falke tilgiver ikke sin ven, Einstein, at han lod ham være til grin - hævnens time kommer, da prins Orlofsky beder Falke arrangerer en fest. @#00508Far Julius og mor Kathinka har 99 børn og venter nr. 100, samtidig med at de skal flytte til et nyt stor hus, hvor der er rigelig med plads. Også til familien hest Fatamorgana. Det er en rar og hjælpsom hest, der både kan cykle og køre bil. @#00509Fra verdens største samling af antikvariske sex-film har John Hilbard plukket de bedste og sjoveste ud. De præsenteres af Dr. Philm, Prof Petersen [Ole Søltoft] og hans sexede sekretær, Frk. Hansen. I denne film er der afsnit med stuepige-sex i herskabshjemmet, man oplever et bordel i 30'erne og et karneval med smæk. @#00510Dr. Philm, Prof Petersen [Ole Søltoft] har atter udvalgt seks film fra verdens største samling af antikvariske sex-film fra 20'erne og 30'erne Medens den småfrække sekretær viser sine ynder, præsenterer han den glade vandrer, der muntrer sig med to piger, et lykkeligt ungt par, og datidens strip-tease. @#00511Sengekantholdet - John Hilbard (instruktør), Ole Højer (musik) os skuespilleren Ole Søltoft - har atter støvet seks skægge sex-film fra 20'erne og 30'erne af. De præsenteres af Dr. Philm, Prof Petersen [Ole Søltoft] og i denne omgang oplever vi 1001 nats eventyr, en fræk sex- klub og en dame i et badeværelse med to herrer osv. @#00512Inger Marie [Tove Maes] triste pensionisttilværelse får nyt indhold, da hun finder den efterlyste racekat, Felix, der slet ikke eksisterer. Dusørjægerer og kattevenner flokkes om Inger Marie, og begivenhederne udvikler sig dramatisk, da "Privatdetektiven" Howard Hansen [Erik Clausen] kommer på sporet af en narkoliga. @#00513Flemming er på kostskole, og som alle andre længes han hjem. Samtidig er forholdet til Simon meget spændt, og de udkæmper en drabelig nævekamp men de finder alligevel hinanden under en brand og bliver venner. @#00514Rygtet om, at en guldtransport er undervejs til Greenville breder sig til nogle banditter i Cornstone. Rigtig dansk Kartoffel Western @#00515Filmen handler om at være til i en verden, der ikke er til at være i. Om en eksistens, der går og håber på snevejr, fordi det kunne blive løsningen på de aktuelle problemer. @#00516British horror-comedy about a motorcycle which runs on blood and refuses to start during the daytime... In other words, a vampire motorcycle! When a Birmingham youth buys the killer bike, he dosent have a inkling of the powers it possesses. @#00517En ung mand får æren for en pornografisk roman, som i virkeligheden er skrevet af hans gamle tanter. @#005181925, i en by i Danmark. Her bor en greve som gennem et langt og stræbsomt liv har opsparet en formue. Han testamenterer hele sin formue til det første barn i byen, som fødes i Tyrens tegn. @#00519When a murder occurs during a chess match, European Grand Master Peter Sanderson faces the suspicion of police investigators -and arouses the interest of the real killer, who begins to send him cunningly disguised clues related to the game. @#00520Good performance liven up this fun comedy with Bob Hope as an unfortunate horse racing bookmaker who has to return a gangster's large wager, witch Hope has accidentally lost. @#00521Vi følger "familien" og dens hjemmeliv. Vi er med på bar-besøg. Vi overværer dens uheldige debut ved en filmoptagelse, og vi deltager i et udstyrsstykke af et karneval, hvor rockere - med [Henning Jensen] i spidsen - gør deres for at succes'en ikke kommer til at stige nogen af de ud-, om- eller afklædte til hovedet. @#00522Søren og Peter bor på den lille ø Bomø. Hunden Bølle er ekspert i at tippe. Dette gør nærmest hele øen til tips-millionærer, indtil en dag hvor Bølle kun vil tippe elleve kampe. De sidste super- vigtige mangler, og så trækker Søren og Peter i fodboldstøvlerne. @#00523Dette er intet mindre end et mareridt! Tænk at komme afsted på bryllupsrejse med en hel campingvogn fuld af unger, uden at vide det! Hvad det unge brudepar og ungerne kommer ud for i Tyrol er ganske utroligt. @#00524Pusle har fået foræret en amulet fra en rar onkel i Sydamerika. Med den kan hun få alle tænkelige ønsker opfyldt. Og det kommer der de utroligeste og sindsoprivende oplevelser ud af. Dirch Passer er et fund som den ikke helt almindelige psykiater!. @#00525Den unge ingenør Brehmer har mistet sin 19-årige elskede. Hun blev dræbt på landevejen af en spritbilist. Der var fire i ulykkesbilen. Dette er et psykisk chock for Berhmer, han bliver indlagt på Statshospitalet. Efter udskrivningen er Brehmer helt besat af en blind hævntrang. For en hver pris vil han tage hævn over de menesker som i fuldskab dræbte hans veninde. @#00526Den kendte bande skal stjæle en hel togvogn fuld af guldbarrer, og hvem får man til at hjælpe sig? - DSB selvfølgelig. Og så går den vilde jagt. @#00527Denne gang vil Egon [Ove Sprogøe] een gang for alle kvitte de to uovervindelige hundehovder og kaster sig alene ud i den store internationale svindlerbranche - men kan Egon undvære Benny [Poul Bundgaard] og Keld [Morten Grundwald] - hæderlige og til at stole på det er de i hvert fald. @#00528Ryan O'Neal is a con-man in Depression-era America who, in his travels across the country, teams up with a nine-year-old orphan who turns out to be a more experienced 'grifter' than he. @#00529Det med kærlighed kan være svært! Det går sjældent, som man forestiller sig, når man har et eventyr i byernes by Paris. Peter får ved et tilfælde at vide at han er blevet far, netop som han fejre polterarbend herhjemme. Han lader bryllup være bryllup og styrter afsted til Paris. @#00530Når tre sømænd på langfart kommer på landlov i København, går det ikke stille af. Peter bliver forelsket - temmelig hurtigt - og han skal beklageligvis sejle allerede den samme aften. @#00531Pressefotograf [Dirch Passer] og journalistpige [Ghita Nørby] er ansat ved verdens største ugeblad "Tit & Lyt", hvis redaktør er [Poul Hagen]. Han tildeler dem opgaver, som ofte må kun kan udføres hjælp af de mest halsbrækkende påhit. @#00532Down-on-his-luck cattleman joins forces with a fast-talking old friend to make some easy money down in Mexico. However, their plans land them in moore trouble than they'd ever expected. @#00533De to veninder, Amalie [Marguerite Viby] og Alvilda [Karen Lykkehus] har kroneder dage som kidnappere, hotelbedragere, butikstyve og juvel- tyve.... og det altsammen bare fordi Amalie er død! Naturligvis er Amalie ikke spor død. Men det kan de to veninder ikke uden viderer overbevise myndighederne om. @#00534En ung pige har fået en ualmindelig sød og velskabt dreng, man faderen Ja ham er der ingen der ved hvor er. [Lily Broberg] er ekspeditrice i et stormagasin, Ved et fantastisk lykketræf finder hun ud af hvem faderen er. Han er motorordonans, men desværrer blevet lidt for svimmel til at passe sit job for en tid. Som den eneste udvej forvandles [Lily Broberg] til Rekrut 67 Petersen@#00535Max Mikkelsen [Ole Søltoft] er blevet rektor på drengekostskolen. Og straks vil han ha' en pigeafdeling til drengenes fryd. De går med til at arbejde på skolen i sommerferien hvor den skal fungerer som hotel for at skaffe penge til pigeafdelingn. Og det bliver til et 'Hotel - frisind hvor drengene hælder elskovs pulver i saltbøsserne med en utrolig effekt. @#00536Den unge sex-dirrende larve Bine arver et finans imperium men skal betale 80 millioner i arveafgifter. Det giver hende en del problemer i forholdet til vennen Sten Larsen [Ole Søltoft] og rigmandssønnen som også hedder Sten Larsen. Sagen vanskeliggøres, fordi nogle tænker i penge - andre i mere fornuftige ting. @#00537Alle talte om Agnar Mykles roman "Sangen om den røde rubin", og den gav anledning til retssager på grund af de mange frække ord. Filmatiseringen var derfor en dristig sag, som udmærker sig ved at slå på det sjove, så man idag kan se filmen som et muntert, erotisk lystspil. [Ole Søltoft] er den unge mand, der boltre sig i muntre sex-lege med alle de dejlige damer. @#00538Danmark har taget beslutningen, vi skal have atomkraft. Men der er stadig ikke fundet en løsning op forurenings- og affaldsproblemerne. I fjernsynet fremstår journalisten Niels Vinter som den teoretisk begavede modstander af atomkraft. Niels er vred og udtrykker sig klart; Det kan blive nødvendigt at offre menneskeliv for at redde menneskeliv. Et sted i København noterer en mand disse ord ned. Ham er enig... @#00539Syv unge rekrutter mødes første gang, da de bliver indkaldt i hæren. De er meget forskellige og kommer fra vidt forskellige milijøre, men de bliver dog alligevel hurtig gode venner. @#00540Det er en kendsgerning, at pensionisterne nu er en svøbe for samfundet. Politiet står magtesløse overfor den stigende alderdoms- kriminalitet, som på grund af velfærd og medicin bliver værrer og værrer. I løbet af 3 år er afbetalings-salget af eldrevne støvtugere steget til det seksdobbelte. @#00541In Terry Nation's futuristic drama, a deadly virus is accidentally released and spreads around the world, killing 98% of the population. The series focuses on a small community in England, and their struggle for survival. @#00542En sexstjernet dansk komedie om, hvor svært det er at være greve nu om dage. Især hvis man ingen penge har. Med stort slot og møl i bengeposen, er det ikke nemt at klare terminerne. Nogle grever har veteranbiler eller tulipanhaver for at trække puplikum til. Men Grev Axel [Dirch Passer], vil hellere beskæftige sig med den sunde mandfolkeinteresse som er: PIGER. @#00543Under dramatiske begivenheder omkring slaget ved Dybbøl, vokser der et kærlighedsforhold mellem Tine og den gifte skovridder Berg. For Tine er det en meget vanskelig tid, idet hendes fader bliver vanvittig af sorg over krigen, og da Berg kommer dødeligt såret tilbage fra skanserne, kan hun til slut ikke mere bære både sin kærlighedssorg og krigens gru, og søger døden. @#00544En dramatisk og foruroligende historie om en dreng med en skræmmende magt over sine venner. Hans autoritet skaber en udvikling i gruppen fra småkriminalitet til planlagte overfald og indbrud. Men katastrofen nærmer sig... @#00545Tender drama about a young boy whos life is complicated by a fact that he posesses a genius IQ. Single mother Foster does her best to raise him alone, but she soon finds herself in a tug-of-war over his heart and mind with child psychologist Dianne Wiest. @#00546Middle-aged George Banks daughter annuces that she is going to be married. He still perceives her as a little girl, and fears that her leaving the family may hasten the onset of a mid-life crisis. Instead the mere news of the marriage triggers one. @#00547A very British ghost finds his regular haunt disrupted when an all American family move into his mansion @#00548Con-man [James Belushi] and his daughter [Alison Porter] set out to scam rich businesswoman [Kelly Lynch], managing to win her over just as they had planned. However, hilarious complications arise when the pair begin to feel affection for her. @#00549This time out, it's Murtaugh's [Danny Glover] last few days on the Force before retirement. But events conspire to make his exit a memorable one - an ex-cop has defected from the straight and narrow and set himself up as a major crime lord. @#00550Batman [Michael Douglas] 'The Caped Crusader' is pitted against the villainous freak The Penguin [Danny DeVito] and the devious sexually charged Cat Woman [Michelle Pfeiffer], both of whom are out for revenge against the world and witch Batman seems to represent. @#00551[Michael Keaton] plays a man dying of cancer, who videotapes himself for his unborn child. I recording the details of his life, so that his child will know what his father was like, he discovers that he dosen't know much about who he is. He tries talking from the heart, but he can't find his heart. @#00552Biehn and Craven are two explorers who are taken on to complete an assault on K2 when two members of Barry's original climbing group are killed. During their dangeroud and often life theatening assent on the world's second highest mountain, the pair discover some revealing truths about one and other... and themselves. @#00553An Armish girl in New York, becomes romantically linked to a burlesque comedian while the theatre at witch he is performing serves as a backdrop to a whole wealth of dilemmas. @#00554Flere og flere mænd synes at blive militærnægtere, mens flere og flere kvinder synes at tiltrækkes af militærdiciplinen. I hvert fald er der stort fremmøde i antagelseskommisionen, hvor pigerne møder frivilligt for at komme i 'Dronningens Klæ'r'. Marianne har udelukkende meldt sig for at glæde sin far Oberst Valdorff, fordi hendes bror stik imod alle familietraditioner spiller militærnægterens rolle. @#00555Eva har, uden at stille urimelige krav, stort set alt hvad hun ønsker sig af livet. Så bliver hun fyret! Hun er totalt uforberedt og opdager, hvor afhængig hun er af et fællesskab. @#00556Spændingsfilm for børn om de fire dygtige børn og deres hund der her kommer på sporet af nogle farlige spioner. @#00557Dreyer's klassiske film over Kay Munks stærke skuespil om familien Borgen i Vestjylland, hvor kærlighed og kristendom beskæftigere sindene. @#00558En hjemvendt sømand forenes, efter en del forhindringer med sin kæreste @#00559Beboerne i et soveby-kvarter bliver enige om at købe en bondegård og søge tilbage til naturen. Men det er selvsagt ikke så enkelt. @#00560[F. Murray Abraham] stars as an ex-fencing champion who winds up working as a janitor at a fencing school run by the grown son of a man he once killed in a sword duel. As the two men learn more about one another's history, they clash over their respective pasts. @#00561Epic historical drama about the Boxers' rebellion in turn of the century Peking. @#00562The once peaceful Wood Haven apartments have been the recent witness to four rapes, witch the police suspect are all the work of one serial rapist. Two of Wood Haven's occupants, policeman Ray Dolan and his wife Michelle are all too aware of the threat posed by the stalker. @#00563Ex-tennis pro Tony Wendice decides to murder his wife for her money and because she had an affair the year before. He blackmails an old college associate to strangle her, but when things go wrong he sees a way to turn events to his advantage. Filmed in 3D. @#00564Sequel to Funny Girl (1968), in witch [Barbra Streisand] reprises her Oscar winning role as Fanny Brice. Fanny has achived success and fame, the core of the plot being her blossoming relationship with Billy Roscoe. Lots of laughs and tears, not to mention great songs - Including the Oscar nominated 'How Lucky Can You Get'. @#00565The sumptuously shot sequel to Hawaii traces the further exploits of the islands' first white settlers, in the latter half of the 1900's. [Charlton Heston] is the island dweller who returns to the paradise to find it in turmoil, undergoing the most dramatic change in it's history. @#00566Charlie and Rachel are young lovers who get more than they bargained for when Rachel is kidnapped by a 'Hellcop' and dragged down to the underworld. Assisted by an older man whose wife was carried off in a similar fashion, Charlie decends into Hell to get his girl back. @#00567Nick Halloway is accidentally made invisible during an accident. When Jenkins finds out about Nick, he set out to recruit him into the world of espionage, seeing the potential for an invisible CIA agent. When Alice Monroe falls in love with Nick, they are forced to flee the attentions of Jenkins. Nick also has the problem of living invisibly whilst trying to find a cure. @#00568Classic horror about a sinister doctor seeking a female bride for his ape creation. @#00569Stylish, action-drama starring [Wesley Snipes] as Nino, a ruthless druglord who controles the streets of New York, with no-one able to get close enough to his operation to shut it down. Enter two maverick cops who will stop at nothing neutralise this menace to society. @#00570High spirited comedy in witch the U.S. military submarine off the coast of Japan is caught up in a plot involving a missing statue and lots of mysterious goings-on. [Doug McClure] takes the lead as Doc Willoughby, a mischievous sub-seaman who falls for a Japanese woman. @#00571In this feature film debut as director, actor [Steven Segal] plays an Alaskan oil worker who is left to die in the Arctic wilderness after threatening to go puplic about unsafe drilling procedures, Ultimately, he plots his vengeance after being rescued by a tribe of Eskimos. @#00572A young woman dying of cancer and having recently lost her husband, is faced with the prospect of her four children growing up orphans. When she dies, her brother [William Russ] and his wife [Dana Delany] take the children in an attempt to raise them as their own. @#00573Comedy featuring [Paul Newman] as Harry Frigg, an accident prone WWII soldier whose closest skirmish with the war so far has been the occasional encounter with a gun - His own. This makes him ripe fodder for a special mission to Italy, where some Allied Generals needs rescuing. @#00574Fantasy with [Patrick Wayne] as the sea-going hero, this time around attempting to set a prince free from a curse witch has turned him into a tiger. Ray Harryhausen's marvellous special effects help the proceedings along as usual, while [Jane Seymour] is a rather resteved heroine. @#00575[Ellen Barkin] stars as a man who is reincarnated in the body of a woman. Murdered by a trio of old girlfriends for countless emotional crimes against their sex, Steve Brooks is given a second chance at life as Amanda. @#00576Set in the forties. A young Jewish boy is called on by his parents to help a young girl come out of her shell, imposed after she watched her father die at the hands of the Nazis. @#00577Exelent drama set in 1930's Yorkshire, about the life in and around the thriving practice of a country vet. Based upon the books of James Harriot. @#00578Harry Palmer has left the British Secret Service and become a private detective. One of his first assignments is to deliver an apparently innocent thermos flask to an old friend in Helsinki, Palmer is suspicious of the flask's contents and begins to doubt the motives of his friend and those of his boss a Texan billionaire. @#00579Bill and Ted are killed by their evil robot doubles, sent from the future by the megalomaniacal DiNomolos. In order to save the babes and win the San Dimas Battle of the Bands, they must escape from Hell, challenge the Grim Reaper, meet God, and defeat the evil Bill and Ted. @#00580This is the true story of Voolette Szabo, a young English war widow who became a secret agent in occupied France during WWII. She was exposed to the brutality of the Gestapo and the degredation of concentration camps and subsequently became the first woman to be awarded the George Cross. @#00581Tense thriller in witch a sailor wakes up from a coma to find himself facing charges of treason and of having caused the death of his friend in a Japanese prison camp. Helped by his friend's widow, he embarke on a dangerous trail in search of the real cilprit. @#00582Comedy starring [Bob Hoskins] as Louis, a photographer whose current project is to shoot a model posed as Christ on the cross. The only problem is that he can't find anyone suitable, until he meets a young acretss named Sybil who introduces him to a pianist. @#00583Involving drama about aviation pioneers in 1920's America. [Robert Redford] excels as the titular character, an eccentric daredevil who has been left behind when his nation went to war in the sky in Europe. @#00584Light-hearted story [Ginger Rogers] as a career girl who goes on a luxury holiday for rest and relaxation - romance is the last thing on her mind. The romance enters when she is charmed by a young waiter who is working his way through college. @#00585Stylish period thriller set in 1940's New York starring [Kelly McGillis] as a reporter who discovers a sinister goverment plot to drain promising brains from Nazi Germany. Recently fired from Life magazine for 'un-American activities', the reporter has an FBI man on her tail, and as the plot thickens they become involved in a life and death struggle to expose the truth. @#00586Fiffig oppasser og to unge piger får travlt med at redde to officerer ved garderhusarregimentet, der sættes på en ondskabsfuld prøve af en lusket ritmester. @#00587Nothing whatsoever to do with the book of the same name, this is a farcial romb in witch teenage Leslie Hindenburg discovers a small mole an falsely suspects terminal cancer. Deciding to live her life to the fullest in the remaining months, she embark on a difficult quest to loose her virginity. @#00588A sexsymbol whose image belies the agonies of her childhood uses all the power and influence of her fame to find and destroy the mother she never knew. Judy, Maxine and Pagan are three women who swore eternal friendship when they meet in school, a friendship long since coccoded by the guilty secret they share. @#00589Adaptation of Joseph Conrad's famous story about a 19th century sailor who undergoes a series of unfortunate expeirences in the Far East. In spite of all his suffering, he is labelled a coward and forced to bear the prejustice of others throughout his life. @#00590In this story an ex-FBI agent is asked to track down a brutal killer called 'The Tooth Fairy', and he tries to get the help of Lecter, a psychotherapist/mass murderer with the taste for human flesh. @#00591Lystspil om en kvinde, der gør oprør mod sin mand og beslutter sig for at tage kørekort. @#00592Charming tale in witch Eva Lovlace, a stagestruck young woman, ventures to New York in search of bright lights and big cheques. It isen't long before her determined resillience wins over the glitterati - [Katherine Hepburn] won an Oscar for her wonderful performance in the lead role. @#00593Olsen Banden i aktion for 11. gang. Denne gang er det EF's bureaukrati og uduelige danske politikere der får deres sag for. @#00594Oscar-belønnet filmatisering af første del af Martin Andersen-Nexø's socialrealistiske roman om den Svenske enkemand, der sammen med sin lille søn Pelle søger et bedre liv i Danmark. @#00595Comedy about the hijinks of the new recruits at a big city police training academy. [Steve Guttenberg] leads cast as prankster Carey Mahogney, in the role witch made him famous. @#00596Western drama starring [John Wayne] as Rocklin, a misogynist ranch-hand who turns up in Arizona to take a forman's job only to discover the property is being run by two women. But his initial patronising brutish attitude softens when he is framed for murder, and the fiery ranch owners comes to his rescue. @#00597Film om et mildt sagt problematisk kærlighedsforhold mellem maleren Ditte og den indbildske og selvoptagne kunstner Lasse. @#00598When a meteorite oblitterates his neighbourhood and stats the events that kills his daughter, Ben Wilson [Jeff Daniels] notices that a group of tourists has mysteriously dissapeared. One of them has left his passport behind, witch bears date stamps spanning eighty years. @#00599A chilling futuristic tale about a holiday theme park in witch tourists make their wildest dreams come true, helped by a few clever scientists and life-like robots. But while taking part in a wild west shoot-out, one of the robots malfunctions and suddenly the holidaymakers' lives are in grave danger. @#00600Alec Windom [Peter Finch] is a dedicated Brittish doctor working in a Malayan village who acts as a mediator between the native workers and the owners of the rubber plantation. But when the ruthless owners get the police to break a strike, the doctor must decide witch side he is on... @#00601[Robin Williams] plays Garp, a young man trying to come to terms with life's abnormalities, assisted by his mother Jenny Fields. Touching comedy witch also features the ever-exelent [John Lithgow] as Roberta, a trans-sexual ex-football player. @#00602The citizens of the southern town Pleasant Valley lure six Yankee tourists into town where they are to be the reluctant guests for the centennial celebration of the day a band of renegade Union troops decimated the town. The town then participates in events, a different event for each of the tourists, in which the tourist is dispatched. One couple begins to suspect something and seeks a way to escape. @#00603[Kim Basinger] plays a sophisticated art gallery employee who has an intense love affair with [Mickey Rourke], a Wall Street executive. The relationship turns into a nightmare of fantasy and domination. @#00604[Steven Seagal] stars as a tough Chicago cop who is forced to employ his combat skills when he finds himself battling goverment corruption and a drug ring. @#00605Based on the true story of Air Force wife Janet Harduvel, a woman battling to uncover the real reason behind her husband's mysterious death while on a routine mission in Korea. @#00606Agatha Christie, the great British mystery thriller authoress, disappered for 11 now notorious days in 1926. A compelling speculavive account of what may have happened during this week and a half. @#00607Arlo Guthrie's popular record inspired this odd blend of satire, whimsy, melodrama an social commentary. Good fun film about the lifestyle of a group of friends headed by [James Broderick] and [Pat Quinn] as the titular Alice. @#00608A sequel to {Lewis Teague}'s 1980 original finds a giant, mutant alligator hanging out in a park lake, chomping on anglers, hunters, policemen and various local politicians. Several attempta to kill it faill until only two gator-haters are left, teaming up to formulate one last drastic plan. @#00609[William Hurt] plays a scientist who tinkers with a sensory deprivation machine, first experiencing intense, psychic blasts and then actual physical transformation. The latter sends him out of the lab and into the street as a killer human/animal hybrid. @#00610Western yarn about a cattle rancher who finds himself caught between the two opposing fronts during the civil war. @#00611A drama-documentary based on the rise of Vernon Howell, the rock'n'roll guitarist who became David Koresh [Timothy Daly], leader of the Branch Davidiand. This powerful film focuses on Koresh's hold on his group of followers, who come to belive that he is the Messiah. @#00612A teenager is forced to make his first adult decisions of his life. Should he follow his dream of becoming an Olympic athlete or pursue an engineering carrer like his father. @#00613The film focuses on two brothers who enter a tough cycling race. Marcus is the elder brother, a keen competitor who clashes with sibling David, a loser who none theless competes just as ferociously as Marcus. @#00614The adventures of Fievel the mouse continue in this Western sequel to Steven Spielberg's 1986 blockbuster. When his family moves out to the old West, Fievel gets into the gunslinging spirit, teaming up with a dozy but wise sheriff to take on a posse of bad guys. @#00615The Monty Phyton gang's first venture into film is a collage of sketches, animated sequences and other bits and pices, many of them old favorites from their hughly popular BBC shows. @#00616[Jack Lemmon] stars as C.C. Baxter, a humble insurance company accountant who decides to loan his apartment out to a variaty of executives for their secret, extra marital romancing. @#00617Ten short pieces directed by ten different directors, including, Jean-Luc Godard, Bruce Beresford, Frank Roddam, and Julien Temple. Each short uses an aria as soundtrack/sound (Vivaldi, Bach, Wagner), and is an interpretation of the particular aria. @#00618[Ray Liotta] plays Dr. Leonard Sturgess, a young medic whose growing frustration at the bureaucacy around him is brought to a head with the arrival of a new colleague, Dr. Peter Morgan. @#00619Exiting Korean war drama about the heroes who flew in the American helicopter rescue serve. @#00620This all-action series is set on the Channel Islands and stars [John Nettles] as meverick cop Bergerac whose investigation methods often causes problems with his superiors. @#00621Beethoven is a lovable St. Bernard who is foung by the Newton family and is promptly adopted, much to dad [Charles Grodin]'s chagrin. As the dog slowly balloons in size, Godin grows more hostile - until, [Dean Jones] arrives as an unpleasant animal thief and threatens to whisk Beethoven away. @#00622Director {Roger Young} and writer {Richard Friedenberg} recived Emmy nominations for this illuminating drama about a youn dairy farmer's race to identify a deadly chemical that is killing his cattle an bringing a strange illness to his child. @#00623[Joanne Woodward] plays Congresswoman Nell Harrington, a woman whose career is threatened by a family scandal just at the moment that she is about to run for the U.S. Senate. A tradedy in which her son-in-law is killed, leads to a revelation that forces whole family to reassess it's moral foundation. @#00624Harry Anders is a former MI6 agent who now owns a bar. When a beautiful woman literally runs into him, they fall in love (lust perhaps). When she finds out about his history, she asks him to help with a problem she has. Harry is forced to re-enter the dangerous world of espionage once more. @#00625As the title suggests, the gang head off to France as exchange students and get involved in some hilarious adventures as they try to survive the European experience. @#00626Crazy professor Nathaniel Billings is working on creating a race of supermen in the basement of a New England house. He sells the building to a naive woman and her ex-boyfriend to run as a hotel. Billings then teams up with equally crazy Dr. Lawrence and uses the guests as a source for their experiments. @#00627The moving true story of Adam, a native American boy who is adopted by a mixed race professional, David Norwell. Adam is only four years old but doctors explain to David that he has a desease known as Fatal Alcohol Syndrome, an affliction which stems from his mother's alcoholic problem when she was pregnant with him. @#00628Modern comedy-western (set during the American civil war) with [Robyn Lively] as Babylou Buckeye, a cattlerutsler whose love for outlaw Blue Duck Harris [Jeffrey Osterhage] leads her to turn to bank heists. @#00629[Wil Wheaton] plays a young boy who tries a little Jane Austern style matchmaking. His single mother [Susan Sarandon], fails to realise that she is being set up with inventor and part time author [Richard Deryfuss], and falls for him. @#00630[Warren Beatty] stars as "Benjamin 'Bugsy' Siegel", a New York gangster who is sent to Los Angeles by his partners to take over the West Coast rackets. While there, Bugsy succumbs to the lure of Hollywood an falls in love with a glamorous starlet, Virginia Hall. @#00631When Leo Lemke returns from a fishing trip to North Carolina complete with a new wife, the local neighbourhood is surprised. But when Marina starts to exert strange influence on the lives of the lives of the residents, her clairvoyant powers are recognised by Dr. Alex Tremor. @#00632A young boy whose psychic powers have been abused by his father inadvertently conjours a terrible demon into his closet - a murderous creature that only he can stop. @#00633A true story of one woman's lone stand against the authorities. [Lorraine Touissant] is the Boston widow who suspect foul play when an innicent man is slain by armed police, even though the police themselves claim that they were acting in self-defence. @#00634Humorous action adventure witch begins when Jason Carr, the wealthy owner of the L.A. Post newspaper is found dead, dressed in a bizarre superhero costume. His grand-daughters, Jessica and Shelly launch an investigation into his mysterious death. @#00635Charly is a good natured retarded adult. Scientists try an experimental treatment on him which raises his IQ to genius levels but which does not give him emotional maturity. His shift from a dependant to an autonomous individual gives power to the story. [Cliff Robertson] won Oscar for his role. @#00636Chisum is a cattle baron in New Mexico at the tail-end of the century. Having amassed a great deal of land in the Lincoln County cattle war, Crisum does not take kindly to ruthless [Forrest Tucker] encroaching on his territory. @#00637A television personality named Elizabeth Blane [Dyan Cannon] has made her career from homely family TV programes. The only snag is that she dosen't have a family herself. So when her boss asks her to look after national hero Jefferson Jones [Kris Kristofferson], she has to invent herself a family and a country home. @#00638The dishevelled private investigator is called upon to check out the murder of a Latin American playboy and gambler, but the dead man's girlfriend Lauren proves to be a formidable distraction for our grizzled hero. The only problem is that (surprise!) she is also ine of the prime suspects. @#00639[Frank Sinatra] stars in this cosmopolitan comedy as a 'bachelor about the town' who finds himself saddled with country bumpkin younger brother [Tony Bill] how to live the high life in the big city. Adapted from a stageplay by Neil Simon. @#00640[Bill Patterson] plays a Glasgow DJ whose life starts to fall apart when his girlfriend [Elanor David] ditches him and he becomes involved in a vendetta between warring Italian ice-cream families. Soundtrack by {Mark Knopfler}. @#00641Johnny Brown breezes into a small town and falls in love with Kathy, a clean cut girl whose background dictates that she may not romance a 'bad' guy like Johnny. What's moore, her parents have a major secret about their past, which is just about to catch up on them and Kathy. @#00642[Paul Newman] stars as a chain-gang prisoner in the deep south who refuses to kowtow to the bullying ways of the boss man, becoming a hero to his fellow convicts along the way. @#00643When high school principal Charlotte Bain becomes bored with her relationship with the school's coach, she embarks on an affair with the caretaker. Breaching both class and ethnic barriers in her small town, Charlotte realizes that for the first time in her life, she is doing what her heart is willing her. @#00644Horrifying story of a scientist looking for the secret of eternal life. A small miscalculation by him could have devestating effects for mankind... @#00645Horror and comedy ensue when some toothy aliens lay siege to the farmhouse of an all-American family - the humans doing everything they can to fend off the ferocious fuzzballs. @#00646The ugly offspring od the original Critters, now (sadly) orphaned, go on the rampage inside a dilapidated apartment building. Having picked up all of their methods from violent American television programes, the baby Critters must now, surely, be invisible - that is, until the arrival of one Charlie McFadden. @#00647[Telly Savalas] and [Warren Oates] play a couple of robbers in this touching comedy. They find that their efforts to steal [Edith Evans]' property from her expensive estate are hampered by their growing effection for the old lady. @#00648Action Thriller about a crazed, disfigured millionaire whose private island becomes the bizare playing board for a terrifying game. For those taking part, survival is the only prize. @#00649En af De Fem bliver forvekslet med en millionærsøn og kidnappes. @#00650T.K. Katwuller, a young lawyer is having an affair with one of her clients, Steven Seldes. But when she accidentally discovers some sordid details about the man, she is shocked and provoked into a violent confrontation with him. @#00651En gruppe middelaldrende mænd sidder og mindes deres lykkelige skoletid. Men i tilbageblik viser den sig snarere som en meget undertrykt tid, fyldt med diciplin og vold. De mindes også mordet på deres lære... [Frits Helmuth] @#00652Five children who escape from a state mental institution take refuge in [Evan's] winter retreat and terrorize its inhabitants. Originally released as: PEOPLETOYS Also known as PEOPLE TOYS and THE HORRIBLE HOUSE ON THE HILL. @#00653[Jean-Claude van Damme] stars as twin brothers Chad and Alex Wagner, separated when they were six months old only to be reunited twenty-five years later as adults. Together, they team up to hunt down brutal criminals who murdered their parents and stole the family business. @#00654Violent, terrifically popular cop thriller, starring [Clint Eastwood] as Harry Callahan, a San Fransisco police officer whose uncompromising methods of crime prevention may not endear him to his superiors but mark him as the ideal cop to bring down a deranged sniper known as Scorpio. Followed by; Magnum Force (1973), The Enforcer (1976), Sudden Impact (1983) The Dead Pool (1988). @#00655The third in the Dirty Harry series finds [Clint Eastwood] returning as San Francisco police officer Lt. Harry Callahan. Here, the violence prone cop finds himself reluctantly partnered with a female officer [Tyne Daly] while he investigates a case involving a roving gang of murderous teens. Sequel to; Dirty Harry (1971), Magnum Force (1973). Followed by; Sudden Impact (1983), The Dead Pool (1988). @#00656Birdlace, a young Marine who, while spending the night in San Francisco with a busload of buddies, engages in a 'dogfight' - a contest where the men vie with one another to find the ugliest girl for the evening Birdlace's date for the night is Rose, a shy, overweight waitress. @#00657Brick Brando is a maverick cop on the planet Arturus who crash-lands on earth while chasing his arch-enemy, a disembodied head named Skyreah. While his alien powers make him super-strong on Earth. Brick lives up to his name by being not much taller than a brick, just eleven inches high. @#00658The death of Don Pablo [Robert Foster] sparks a wave of in-fighting within his organisation, orchestrated by the power-hungry Luigi [Charles Cioffi]. @#00659Sue Ellen 'Swell' Crandell is a teenager with a problem. She and her four brothers and sisters have ben left by their holidaying parents with an aging babysitter. Only she just died and they've been left on their own. @#00660Da tyske tropper invaderer Danmark 9. april 1940, blev de kun udsat for symbolsk dansk modstand. Myndighederne opfordrede til ro og orden, og de fleste danskere indstillede sig på besættelsesmagtens tilstedeværelde. Det gjaldt imiderlertid ikke drengene fra Sct. Petri, en gruppe grenge i en stor dansk provinsby. De ville have tyskerne ud af landet, og tog derfor sagen i egne hænder. Filmen er optaget i Danmark og Polen over en periode på 20 måneder. @#00661A public schoolboy is picked up by his mother's vulgar blue collar boyfriend Dutch for the long drive home for Thanksgiving. Hostile to the idea of sharing a car with his ignorant yet opinionated stepfather, Doyle decides to make the trip as difficult as possible. @#00662Vi befinder os i idylliske omgivelser, i det gamle men smukt restaurerede bondehus som ligger overfor det skønne hvide slot. I huset bor kunsthandleren Henrik Strand sammen med sin datter Susanne. Hun er blind og den første kostbare operation mislykkes. Men Susanne er alligevel lykkelig og hun dagdrømmer om det hvide slot og de to unge grever. @#00663[James Cagney] is a journalist who is framed for murder in this classic drama. Behind the prison walls, Cagney finds himself going slowly insane, worn down by the corrupt system against witch he once campaigned. @#00664A young [Jodie Foster] stars in this sentimental drama as an 11-year old girl, dying of heart desease, who travels to a Nova Scotian village with her family to live out her last days in idylic surroundings. There, her plucky spirit in the face of death inspires those around her. @#00665Crazy comedy for youngsters where dim-witted hero Ernest P. Worrell breaks an ancient spell, unleashing a long dormant evil creature and placing himself at the center of a strange and spooky adventure. Fortunately for him, an eccentric old lady comes to his aid. @#00666Set in 1997, when the New York district of Manhatten is a high-security prison, this bleak futuristic schocker centers on the kidnapping of the American president by ruthless criminals. A disgraced policeman (Snake Pliskiin) is the only one deemed tough enough to effect a daring rescue, but time is running out... @#00667It's been four years since Reagan was exorcised but, just when every-one thought the ordeal was over, scientific tests reveal that the girl is still possessed by an evil spirit witch must be driven out. @#00668A special-effects expert lends his talent for movie magic to the police department to help them catch a killer. However, when his generosity backfires he finds himself framed for murder. Sequel to F/X (1989). @#00669Ray Brabury's chilling sci-fi novel is brought dramatally off the page. Set in a gloomy future where books are banned and burned on discovery, obedient fireman Oskar Werner has a chance encounter Julie Christie's school teacher and decides to rebel. @#00670Laurie Samuels is a young mother who wakes up one morning to find that her baby son Corey is in a daze, apparently starved of oxygen. At the local hospital, tests conclude that Corey has been poisoned with antifreeze and Laurie is swiftly arrested for attempted infanticide. @#00671Family drama in which [Robert Mitchum] plays a homeless man who's asked to pose as the grand-father of four young orphans to prevent them from being split up and sent to foster homes. In exchange for food, clothes and a roof, 'Grandpa Joe' become the kids' new grandparent. @#00672Powerful drama starring [Molly Ringwald] as a young woman who contracts AIDS after a one night stand. [Martin Landau] and [Lee Grant] star as her parents, who help their daughter come to terms wtih her illness and the sudden changes it makes to her formerly comfortable life. @#00673A farce, Hoskins plays a photographer who specializes in religious pictures who searches for a model for Jesus. He does a favor for a friend and finds himself doing a voice track for a porno movie with Natasha Richardson. Hoskins finds his model for Jesus in Jeff Goldblum and a romantic triangle begins in which Goldblum finds adoring crowds believing him to be Jesus and then begins to believe it himself. @#00674[Bo Svenson] plays one-man fighting machine Buford Pusser, a real-life sheriff who was found dead in suspicious circumstances after a lifetime of crime fighting. This was the third film in the action, witch was followed by a television series. @#00675The Alistair MacLean follow up to 'The Guns of Navarone' gets the motion picture treatment in this expensive war drama about a rag-tag group of allied soldiers who plot to bring about the destruction of the Nazis' most crucial bridges. @#00676Cowboy [Randolph Scott] becomes a newspaper proprietor, only to discover that he has to resort to his old ways to rid the town of some local nasties. @#00677PI [Mark Harmon] is employed by a beautiful young woman to track down her husband, who has gone missing. There is some doubt, however, about the reason for him disapperance. As time goes on, it becomes apparent that he may have orchestrated his own vanishing and may not, in fact, be the man everyone thought he was. @#00678The terrifying chiller about a murderer stalking a teenagers summer camp. [Betsy Palmer] is the grisly villain. @#00679An intrepid group of space explorers on their way to rescue a marooned spaceship find themselves under attack from some flesh eating aliens. @#00680A group of loud-mouthed American kids set off to track down the hidden treasure of pirate 'One Eyed Willy', only to encounter an evil family which is also on the trail. @#00681Workers find themselves under siege from a plague of killer rats living below a delapidted mill. Ass the men die mysteriously one-by-one, it is left to heroic rat-battler John Hall to descent into thr rodents murky lair and take on the mutant beast that lurks there. @#00682This crime adventure focuses on Britt Reid - newspaper editor by day, Green Hornet by night! Along with his sidekick Kato, he wages relentless war against organised crime. Created by George Trendle and starring [Van Williams] and [Bruce Lee], the series is from the same production team as Batman, and is directly related to Trendle's other hit The Lone Ranger. @#00683A prim New Englander finds his campsite invaded by a grizzled, smelly mountain man who turns up with a fresh corpse slung over his saddle. Mutural mistrust makes them scare each other through the night with horror stories. The wierd tales and the men's relationship drag you into this gripping independent film. @#00684{King Vidor's} early talkie triumph, a stylized view of black life focusing on a Southern cotton-picker who becomes a preacher but retains all-too-human weaknesses. @#00685Chris is a quiert, bookish type who really wants to be a writer, so he is understandably distressed when Alex starts having through-the-night parties in their room and generally revelling in a manner that would upset even the calmest of minds. @#00686An LA cop [Steven Seagal] and his family is shot and left for dead by a vicious drug gang. Awakening from a seven year coma to the knowledge that his wife and child were killed in the attack, Seagal prepares himself for the ultimate revenge. @#00687Lord of the Flies on water as a group of children learns how to survive on board a pirate ship, which belongs to old sea dog [Anthony Quinn]. @#00688Garrett, a good cop is left for dead by his partner Delaney. To get revenge, Garrett goes undercover as Danny Grogan, a hitman who gets himself hired by the Mob, so he can infiltrate the organized crime ring that controles the city and get within shooting distance of Delaney. @#00689Civil War Western with [John Wayne] as the Union Colonel who heads off into Confederate country on a sabotage mission. Accompanying him is doctor [William Holden], a less militaristic man with different ideas about the way the war should be fought. @#00690When Roger Cobb is burned alive in a hideous car accident, his wife Kelly and daughter Laurel, who was badly injured in the crash and is now confined to a wheelchair, seek refuge in Roger's inherited family home. But the house has some prior, ghostly occupants who don't take kindly to the new residents. @#00691A rollicking comedy adventure with [Bruce Willis] as an international cat burglar out to commit the crime of the century - to a musical accompainment, of course! @#00692An intense, broodling drama, set in the late 1960s and based on a Bruce Springsteen song. Having been on a collision course since childhood, two brothers - Joe, a cop and Frank, an ex-convict clash violently over their differing lifestyles. @#00693A young Japanese man, the son of a respected billionaire businessman comes to a small Pensylvanian steel town with his young American bride. Not long after his arrival he is found at an abandoned steel mill that his family now owns, suffering from a near fatal head wound. @#00694When an alien spaceship crashes in the American desert, its occupants decide to blend in with the local population in order to make their repairs without raising the suspicions of any human beings. The film was originally released in 3d witch explains some of the 'oooh' straight at your face. @#00695Story set in 1850, about a lonley Rockey Mountains dweller who has to contend with a variety of natural and human obstacles while attempting to be a tracker. During his life on high, he befriends a local indian tribe and pretty soon finds himself promised to the daughter of the tribe's leader. @#00696Children's adventure tale about a modern-day Seminole Indian boy who must learn to adjust to manhood, when his tribe initiate him as an adault, and the increasingly pervasive white civilization. @#00697Historical adventure in which King Richard contends with Moslems and his own treacherous men, whilst on the Third Crusade. @#00698Familiekomedie efter {Thoger Birkeland}'s bøger om den sjove familie Krumborg og deres mellemværende med hinanden, verden og skolen. @#00699Rather literal interpretation of the Camelot set legend witch has the bold Sir Lancelot romancing Lady Guinevere, in spite of the fact that she is already spoken for by his leader, King Arthur. @#00700Epic production about the building of the pyramids, starring [Jack Hawkins] as the pharoah who instructs his people to construct a great pyramid to house his body, his wealth and all of his staff when he dies. @#00701THE LAST OUTPOST comes under siege from a single sniper. THE LAST SOLDIER examines the reaction of Nothern Vietnamese soldiers to the end of the war. DIRTY WORK focuses on activities at the American embassy on April 29, 1975. @#00702{Penny Marshall}'s wartime comedy-drama about America's first female baseball league. Based on a true story, the film examines what happened to America's first national sport when almost the entire male population went to war in Europe. @#00703[John Wayne] plays a grizzled adventurer in a film that sees him teamed with [Sophia Loren] on an expedition to track down a lost civilization in the Sahara. @#00704In 1950s England, slow-witted Derek Bentley falls in with a group of petty criminals led by Chris Craig, a teenager with a fondness for American gangster films. Chris and Derek's friendship leads to their involvement in the true case which would forever shake England's belief in capital punishment. @#00705A woman suffering from terrifying nightmares trots off to therapist who puts her under hypnosis. While in the trance-like state, it is revealed that the very Devil himself wants her baby. This news disturbs her and she decides to duke it out with the Dark Lord rather than hand over the baby. @#00706Lucy, a Manhattan waitress harbours two secret desires - to rob her resturant of it's takings and to be a escapologist to rival the great Houdini. Monte [David Bowie] is the resturant barman, a trendy Brit who just happens to be a illegal emigrant, whose not-so-secret desire is to marry Lucy. @#00707The ever popular horror story about a carnivorous plant witch grows beyond an acceptable size and develops a penchant for human flesh and blood. Luther Burbank is the flower shop assistant who decides to help it by feeding it customers. Screenplay by Charles Griffith. Also shown in Computer Colored version. @#00708Viking adventure in witch [Richard Widmark] plays a Scandinavian hero, struggeling against the evil Moors to gain possession of a prized golden bell. @#00709A radical feminist places an ad for a partner to share the expences of a jeep ride from Britain to Munich. Instead of the like-minded individual she had hoped, she finds herself stuck with a chauvinist, football supporter. @#00710The Carolina Military Institute is the setting for this unsetteling drama - it's 1964 and a group of cadets - known as The Ten - are bullying the school's first black recruit. [David Keith] is the cadet who is assigned to take care of the victim. @#00711A little American boy Davey, finds himself bored while on holliday in London, he packs his bags and sets off for the underground. While the authorities and his parents search frantically to find him, Davey runs into a shifty small-time crook. @#00712After her career in a LA law firm comes to a sudden end, Elizabeth Bentley decides to go it alone as an investigator. But the stability of her new found life is soom shattered when she meets Nick Payton, another private eye. The only difference between Nick and Elizabeth is that she is alive - and Nick isen't! @#00713A down and out private detective ([Berenson]) is asked by a beautiful woman ([Archer]) to follow her lover (Young) because she thinks he may be planning to kill her. Due to her poor description she's in danger. He ends up following the wrong man, but discovers the wrong man has some sleazy secrets himself. Meanwhile another detective (Perkins) has been hired to follow Berenson, and they eventually decide to work together to find out what is really going on. @#00714Opera singer Joan Spurance, is a woman who is experiencing problems with her personal safety and security. When these problems culminate in a break in to her opulent home, she calls in Harry Bliss, owner of his own guard dog agency. @#00715A pair of Cuban musicians arrive in New York in 1952, naively hoping that mambo music will lead them to fame and fortune in America. Cecar is a great womaniser but also holds a great deal of affection for his younger brother Nestor, who still loves his wife, Dolores, whom he has left back in Havana. @#00716[James Mason] stars as a 1800s plantation owner who is also a brutal purveyor of slavery. The slaves are used and abused by him and his cronies until one of them - pugnacious [Ken Norton] - decides that it's time to fight back. @#00717[Steven Seagal] plays an ex-DEA agent who comes out of retirement to take on a deadly gang of Jamaican drugdealers terrorising Chicago. When the gang's leader Screwface [Basil Wallace] murders his former partner, John Hatcher hits the streets with guns blazing, hellbent on revenge. @#00718Period swashbuckling adventure based on the Robert Lois Stevenson tale. [Errol Flynn] is the courageous hero who plots to help Bonnie Prince Charles accede to the throne in 1745. @#00719Meet Belch, Harry, Wynard, Buzz and Heidi, five of the most grotesque creatures imaginable. They're the puppet stars of {Peter Jackson}'s adult comedy 'Meet the Feebles', a grossly enjoyable film with an especially black sense of humor. @#00720Frank Reilly, a college kid on his way to University, has his successful life shattered when his younger brother Emmett, is injured in a car crash. Casting aside any thourghts of himself, Frank devotes every minute of his time to induce his brother out of a coma. @#00721The former, bored by her humdrum exiscence, decides to usurp her sister's identity and live her life for a while. However, a series of sexual encounters lead her into the heart of a deadly drug underworld and a murder case which she must team up with her estranged sister to unravel. @#00722Luisa White is reunited with her sister Rose after 22 yars of forced seperation. Together the sisters embark on the prosess of filling the missing decades. @#00723Cynthia comes forward to talk to detective John about the murder of her best friend's husband. The story is told as a series of flashbacks... James was a bullying, verbally and physically abusive husband. His wife Joyce has, on a number of occasions, expressed her intension to kill him. One night when all three are at the fair, Joyce has a row with James, and Cynthia helps James back to the van. But later he was found dead, and Joyce is arrested for his murder. As more details are told the result is further tragedy and murder. What exactly did happen that night? @#00724Mrs. 'Arris, an English cleaner get's into her head that she wants an exclusive Dior gown from a boutique in Paris and consequently sets off asross the channel to pick up said item. @#00725A fantasy adventure set millions of years ago, aliens created human beings with the intention of establishing the 'ultimate organic weapon'. Some of these humans were Zoanoids, humans who could mutate at will into unpleasant monsters. These Zoanoids are still roaming the earth today!.. @#00726A gentle tale of the pleasures and pains of growing up, as seen through the eyes of tomboy Veda Sultenfuss. Veda lives with her father, Harry, a mortician who falls in love with a new arrival at the funeral parlour. This new cosmetologist Shelley DeVoto changes Harry's life - and Veda's @#00727River Phoenix plays a narcoleptic male prostitute, and Keanu Reeves plays the son of the mayor of Portland who joins Reeves in what is apparently meant to be a modern-day version of Shakespeare's _Henry IV, Part I_. Don't try to look to hard for a plot, though, in between the random shots of farmhouses falling out of the sky, salmon swimming upstream, and our heroes (?) bonking away in some truly bizarre sex scenes (all still shots, and far too many limbs to be accounted for). The opening scene is a printed definition of narcolepsy, defining it as a medical condition marked by frequent uncontrollable urges to fall asleep. Make of that what you will. @#00728Gold digger [Walter Matthau] attempts to woo a wealthy but clumsy woman in this screwball comedy. Writer director [Elaine May] is abselutely brilliant in the role as rhe rich botanist, while [Wlater Matthau] is enjoyable hissable as the gentleman with ulterior motives who sets his sights on a marriage wihtin six weeks @#00729Violent action thriller about two New York cops assigned to a special police unit that's on the trail of an international terrorist. @#00730The film is set in a psychiatric ward full of disturbed teenagers. Freddy tries to murder by infiltrating their nightmares. Dreams become realities and boundaries are blurred in an often hilarious, often sickly brutal film witch was as successful as all the others. @#00731British made biography of the renowned ballet dancer who was plagued and ultimatly doomed by mental illness. [Alan Bates] takes the role of fellow dancer Sergei Diaghilev, Nijinsky's long time lover. @#00732Two brothers, one a karate instructor and one a CIA agent, reluctantly become partners in order to seek out the killers who murdered their father. But things are not quite so straightforward, because the thugs decide to play the two brothers off against one another. @#00733Hitchcock's 1946 thriller is remade with [John Shea] and [Marisa Berenson] in the roles originally played by [Cary Grant] and [Ingrid Bergman], [Marisa Berenson] plays a young woman who marries a Russian arms dealer in order to aid her true love, undercover CIA agent [John Shea]. @#00734Although at present she's only a tacky mermaid at the Eden Roc Hotel Bar, Cyd [Cyndy Lauper] has recently found a new love in the shape of Woody [Jose Perez]. But when Woody is suddenly murdered for reasons unexplained, Cyd finds herself being pursued by his killer. @#00735New York police detective Artie Lewis' world is shattered when his best friend and partner is killed in the line of duty. Laft in his care are the dead man's three orphaned daughters, a sudden familial burden that is meagre salary as a cop precludes him from supporting. @#00736Muldoon, a Chicago police officer finds true love with the shy daughter of the local mortican. However, the affair upsets Danny's mother Rose with whom he has lived all his life and who fears that the new woman in her son's life will take him away from her. @#00737Out-and-out comedy about a quartet of young people engaged in the mechianations of the dating process. [Ayre Gross] Coupe de Ville takes the lead as a Jewish boy who falls in love with a well-to-do girl played by [Courtney Cox] @#00738A reporter on the verge of implicating a successful businessman on a murder charge, is drawn into a web of sexual intrigue and deciet when she discovers that her husband has been having an affair. What is worse, the man she is about to accuse seems to have set her up. @#00739When Laura Elias' daughter is raped and murdered, the case seems simple. Carly was seen before her death with Peter Lipton, who has been accused of rape before, samples of his blood was found on Carly's body. The trail goes the wrong way with Peter being let off being temporarily insane. @#00740Basketball drama set in the 1950's. Pete Marvich, later to be known as "The Pistol", is a junior basketball player on his way up. His father persuades Coach Pendleton to take him into his team, but Pete and Pendleton's son (who is also on the team) starts off on the wrong foot and a conflict begins. @#00741A sexy teen (Barrymore) who lives with her aunt moves in with a reclusive teen (Gilbert) and slowly works her way into the lives of her adopted family. The mother (Ladd) is sickly and can't sexually satisfy her husband (Skerritt) any more, and to the daughter's horror, begins seducing her father. @#00742To cheer up his ailing grandson, The Grandfather reads his favorite story, a classic tale of love, intrigue, and fire swamps. It's the story of Westley's love for Buttercup (The Princess Bride), and Inigo Montoya's life-long search for the six-fingered man that killed his father ("prepare to die"). @#00743The classic story, told in animated form, of two feuding brothers and a plot to prevent one of them from beeing crowned King. @#00744WWII caper about an American army sergeant who stages a daring raid on Berlin to airlift out a haul of Nazi treasure. @#00745A young woman dying of cancer and having recently lost her husband, is faced with the prospect of her four children growing up orphans. When she dies, her brother [William Russ] and his wife [Dana Delany] take the children in an attempt to raise them as their own. @#00746A children's film based on one of the biggest selling records of the 1950s, Shep Wooley's 'The Purple People Eater'. Billy, a young boy left alone with his grandfather for the summer vacation, discovers an old 45' of the Woody hit. @#00747Recidivist hold-up man H.I. McDonnough and police woman Edwina marry, only to discover they are unable to conceive a child. Desperate for a baby, the pair decide to kidnap one of the quintuplets of furniture tycoon Nathan Arizona. The McDonnoughs try to keep their crime secret, while friends, co-workers and a feral bounty hunter look to use Nathan Jr. for their own purposes. @#00748This series first appeared on TV in 1966 as a wartime adventure four daring allies, assigned to harass Hitler's elite Afrika Korps. Together the four travel over the burning sand of the North African desert in two machine-gun mounted jeeps working as an independent team because no no organised team can hold them! @#00749[Stephen Dorff] stars as a high school boy who embarks on an exiting, deadly adventure in which a Vietnam vet loner to rescue his dream girl, kidnapped by a couple of bungling criminals when she wanders into their drug deal. @#00750A sweeping western which has [John Wayne] as a sheriff up to his neck in danger as he battles to keep a suspected murderer in jail until the state magistrate arrives. Unfortunately, however, the outlaw's gang are prerared to do anything to get their leader out of his cell. @#00751[Rodney Dangerfield] lends his voice to the rakish, hustling hound known as Rover, who lives the hihg-life in Las Vegas with his best friend Eddie. However, a run-in with the local dog mob forces him to start a new life miles away from the glittering lights on a mid-western farm. @#00752Raynor, an experienced narcotics cop, and Cates, a novice, are teamed to go undercover as drug users in a investigation. Matters are complicated somewhat, however, when both partners finds themselves hooked on the drugs and become part of the group they set out to stop. @#00753Sometime in the near future, after a nuclear holocaust, a small band of 'juggers' (a brutal gladtatorial sport) travel across the wasteland challenging yhe inhabirants of various settlements. @#00754The true story about Eddie Foy [Bob Hope], the famous vaudeville star whose entire family were stage performers. [James Cagney] has a brilliant cameo as theatre celebrety George M. Cohan, with whom Hope shares the film's most memorable sequence - a table top dancing sequence. @#00755Greogory is an eleven year old boy who has never had the comfort of a caring family enviroment. He was sent to a boy's facility, where he was beaten and abused beyond belief. From here, he found salvation with the Russ family, a caring group of ten with whom Gregory forged a bond. @#00756This harrowing drama, which is based on a true story, stars [Bonnie Bedelia] as Dr. Elizabeth Morgan, a caring mother who suspects that her daughter Hilary is being abused by Elizabeth's own ex-husband Eric ([Terrence Knox]). Her fight to protect Hilary, lands her in prison. @#00757Sherlock Holmes investigates London's most infamous case, Jack the Ripper. As he investigates, he finds that the Ripper has friends in high places. @#00758Two friends fall out when they fall in love with the same woman. The men are reunited several years later, when one of them has become an outlaw while the other is the town sheriff. @#00759Classic sci-fi drama with [Bruce Dern] as a space-age horticulturalist who is tending a floating garden, witch is to be used to replenish the earth's enviroment in the aftermath of a neuclear war. The only problem is that his superiors want the garden destroyed. @#00760When a 'Single White Female' places an ad in the press for a similar woman to rent a room (to replace the boyfriend she's just left), all the applicants seem weird. Then along comes a level headed woman who seems to be just right. The new lodger has a secret past which haunts her. @#00761The true story of the Greenpeace ship witch was destroyed by terrorists. Thanks to New Zealand's tiny Auckland police department and it's copious investigations into the sabotage, the truth behind the event was revealed and there were red faces within the French goverment. @#00762[Nick Cassavetes] stars as ex-con Jack, an insurance claims investigator who is sent to find an ex-stripper and previous claimant, Roxanne Flowers. The pair are immediately attracted to one another and begin a series of illict encounters, but Jack is not aware that he is being used for the woman's personal gain. @#00763A mild mannered German clerk [Alec Guiness] 'captures' a pair of downed American pilots at the tall-end of WWII, keeping them in his cellar and neglecting to mention the fact that the war has actual ended. @#00764Sleeper is a futuristic comedy in which [Woody Allen] plays a man who is frozen in the 1970's and who awakes in the 2170,s to find, not surprisingly, a completely changed planet. @#00765A Tense jungle adventure in witch a couple of all-American guys are dispatched by the authorities to take out a Panamanian drug Lord. @#00766Den 29-årige jødiske pige falder for en romantisk kunstmaler, men hendes traditionsbundne forældre får hende til at gifte sig med en kedelig, jødisk mand. {Liv Ullmann}'s instruktør debut. @#00767Joe [Tony Curtis] and Gerald [Jack Lemmon] play jazz musicians on the run from a Chicago mob boss, who drag up to conceal themselves in a female band. [Marilyn Monroe] makes a great romantic foil, as Sugar Kane and you have to feel some sympathy for [Joe E. Brown] who falls in love with Daphne [Jack Lemmon]'s alter ego. Oscar to Orry-Kelly for costumes. (Be sure not to miss the closing line). @#00768The sequel to 1948's "The Paleface" emerges as a fresher, more original tale of naive Harvard graduate [Bob Hope] being set up to fall for the charms of saloon managerss [Jane Russell], whom the local law enforcement believes is the leader of a gang of thieves who are currently terrorising the area. @#00769[David Cassidy] stars as one of a trio of scientists from the year 2176 who find themselves stuck in 1976 on July 4 when a trip to 1776, in order to unlock the secret story of America, backfires, Relive your youth as the trio travel through a world of polyester flares and beanbag chairs. @#00770Violent gangster movie, set on the mean streets of New York's Hell's Kitchen. An undercover cop, is forced to infiltrate organised crime syndicate precided over by his childhood friend @#00771Thriller starring [Brian Bosworth] as John Stone, a cop who is approached fy the FBI to go undercover in a gang of biker criminals. Once inside the gang, which is lead by the ruthless Chains, Stone must convince gang member Nancy to testify against her colleagues and bring them to justice once and for all. @#00772A domestic drama about a custody battle between an estranged husband and wife. James, the farther, wins custody of his daughter Kimberly following the court case in witch he was accused of abusing her by his wife Glenna. @#00773When twenty-one-year-old ballroom dancer Scott Hastings tries out his own steps at a local copetitive event, he incurs the wrath of the all-powerful Australian Dance Federation and looses his partner Liz Holt. @#00774Adventure yarn about a pair of archaeologists who discover a tribe of ape-like pygmy people in the depths of the New Guinea jungle. When the American scientific hierarchy attempt to exploit the tribesmen, [Reynolds] and [Clark] mount a spirited and heartfelt defence of their rights. @#00775A cop looses his joung son, Davey to a vicious murderer. Paralysed by the event, the cop, [David Nash], wanders helplessly for what seems like an ertenity - until he is approached by a mysterious man named Jeremiah Jonas, who offers Nash the chance to avenge his son's death in the form of a forty-five foot steel dinosaur. @#00776Shep Ramsey is an interstellar hero, righting wrongs, etc. His ship is damaged after a fight with an interstellar nasty and he must hide out on Earth until it can recharge. He leaves his power suit at home, but still finds himself unable to allow wrongs to go unrighted and so mixes it up with bad drivers, offensive paperboys, muggers and the like. Then the family he's staying with finds his power suit and the father tries it on. @#00777WWII romance blossoms for a housewife when her husband is shipped off to Europe to help in the battle against the Nazis. Signing up to work at an aircraft factory to pass the time and earn a bit of extra cash, she finds herself attracted to a co-worker. @#00778College students are menaced by a murderous mummy in LOT 249. A cat returns from the dead. A down on his luck artist swear not to reveal a secret in LOVER'S VOW. A witch prepares a young boy to be the main course at her dinner party. @#00779Tarzan finds himself in peril when he is captured by a British aristocrat who wants to put him in an exhibition back in Blighy. Of course Jane and the animals have other ideas. @#00780Two newly graduated college boys are implicated in a murder in this teenage thriller. Blaine and Cary, a couple of spoilt brats manage to get summer jobs on an oil rig in the Gulf of Mexico. The boys find an ally in Bo Landry, who shares his knowledge of the trade - and his life - with them. @#00781Michael Corben, an American student travels to Paris with his French class for a bit of first-hand education. While there, however, he is mistaken for an international undercover agent and entangled in a series of perilous, dangerous but glamorus espionage escapades. @#00782H.G. Wells goes forward in time to 1979, only to be beaten there by Jack the Ripper himself. He falls in love with a young girl, Amy, He spends the rest of his time in the city trying to prevent her becoming the Ripper's next victim. @#00783[Audie Murphy] stars in this film version of his autobiography, a World War II drama about America's most decorated soldier and his herotic exploits. Fine battle sequences and a great performance from [Murphy] as himself make this a superior war film. @#00784Based on a true story, about Laura, a mother of three who is forced to come to terms with the death of her eldest child. When Julie, a successful TV writer living in LA, dies of cancer, Laura neglects her other two daughters and focuses on completing the book her daughter was working on before her death. @#00785[Peter Ustinov] won an Oscar for his performance in this international comedy, the farcial tale of a gang of thieves who attempt to commit the perfect robbery in Istanbul's most prestigious museum. @#00786Exuberant action tale about a group of 'problem' students at an American prep school who are held hostage by the son of an South American drug cezar extradited to the united States for trial. @#00787Jack Deth is back for more dangerous encounters with the Trancers. This time the Trancers, deadly fighting machines fuelled drugs and mind controle, pose a threat to the future and to the human race itself. @#00788[James Cagney] turns out a powerful performance in this rugged western about a ruthless land baron who'll go to any lenghts to keep hold on his vast Wealth. @#00789Drama set in the world of classical ballet, in which old dancing pros [Anne Bancroft] and [Shirley MacLaine] meet after many years apart and are drawn to reminisce on their love-hate relationship. @#00790Peter Sellers has planned the perfect robbery while in prison. He intends to break out of prison, steal a fortune in diamonds, and break back into prison before anyone notices. With only a few days sentence left, and the perfect alibi - what could possibly go wrong ? @#00791A young couple Kristen and Sam, hiking through the desert, come across a dazed, incoherent camper. Before the pair have a chance to take stock of the situation, he shoots Sam and forces Kristen to accompany him deeper into the desert, her wounded companion pursuit. @#00792A pair of insurance fraud investigators are thrown together after Frank's ex-partner, Nick, mysteriously dies. The match is far from perfect, however, and the two find themselves at each others throats when they should be tracking down Nick's sinister murderes. @#00793Sun-drenched, Romeo and Juliet-style teen romance, set on the beaches and boardwalks of California's Venice Beach. @#00794A young couple moves into a New York apartment and vow to live platonically this experiment is confounded by lecherous landlord [Jack Lemmon], who makes a bid for [Carol Lynley] himself. @#00795Sequel or rather a remake of Hammer's 1965 H. Rider Hagard adaptation She, starring [Olinka Berova] as a young girl who misguidedly bellives that she is the immortal Amazonian warrior Ayshea of Kuma. @#00796Venus fra Vestø er en verdiful malkeko, som engelske commandosoldater og heltemodige danskere forsøger at redde ud af det besatte Danmark. @#00797Cary Grant arrives in Tokyo early during Olympic week. With no hotel rooms anywhere, he pulls a card from the embassy bulletin board and talks his way into Samantha Eggar's flat. Later finding Jim Hutton, an architecture student and olympic athlete (who always avoids any identification of his event) who also has no room, he sublets his part of her apartment to Hutton and then tries to play match maker to the two of them. @#00798A western based on A.B. Guthrie Jr.'s rip-roaring novel about a group of mid-19th century pioneers, meandering their way through the great plains of America. [Sally Field] appears in her first film role as a young woman with whom one of the men have an affair. @#00799Preacher, a minister who has become a gambling addict, arrives in smalltown Texas to try and unravel the mysterious death of one of his old friends, Owen Prescott. Together with his colleauge Jake, Preacher discovers that the area is effectively controlled by a corrupt Vietnam veteran, J.J. Barlow. @#00800Mr. Wonka, an accentric recluse, invites a group of children and their parents on a tour of his empire. One by one, the children misbehave and are carted off by the factory's diminutive resident workers, so that soon only Charlie remains. @#00801Hypochondriac and multiphobic, Bob Wiley is a psyhiatrist's nightmare. More specifically, he's psyhiatrist Dr. Leo Marvin's nightmare. The arrogant doc can't even go on an idyllic family holiday without the walking bundle of nerves trailling along behind for some on-the-spot treatmens. @#00802The arrival of white guy Billy Hoyle prompts con artist Sidney Deane to set up an easy wager. But the joke is on him when Billy turns out, against all expectations, to be a master of the courts. Togehter the two form an uneasy alliance and set out to dupe the rest of Los Angeles basketball world @#00803[Dolly Parton] stars as a singer on the verge of fame. She faces a setback when her cruel manager [Gary Busey] is murdered. What's worse, she is one of the prime suspects. Lots of Dolly's singing tempers the grim tale of abuse. @#00804Eden, an American mother and her children are kidnapped by the bearded Berber, Raisuil, While both American diplomats and Marines strive in their respective ways to rescue her, Eden and Raisuli build up a friendship which manages to survive even past her freedom. @#00805Wicked black comedy based on the novel by Robert Louis Stevenson, about two elderly brothers who try to murder one another in order to be the sole resipitend of a masive inheritance. @#00806Pseudo documentary about the pilots of the X-15 military space plane, witch focuses more on their home lives than on their careers. @#00807Chappy, is a tough, patriotic high flying air force ace. He teams up with three retired fighter pilots - one from Brittain, Germany and Japan - to wage war on the kingpins of the South American drug cartel. @#00808In 1985, a spaceship crashes into the Mojave desert, leaving a group of aliens stranded on the planet Earth. @#00809[Michael Douglas]'s character Steve has been murdered, the movie uses flashbacks of him from the 1970's series to remind people of what he was like and base the whole new film around his partner [Karl Malden]'s efforts to track down the killer. @#00810Marcus Graham is a New York director of marketing, who's renowned for his string of beautiful, intelligent women. The problem is that love is just a game to Marcus - Once he wins a woman over with his charm and affluence, he looses interest in her just as she is growing to love him. @#00811[Audie Murphy] plays a western outlaw who renounces his past life of crime, inherits a ranch and settles down for a straight and narrow life as a law abiding citizen. @#00812[Richard Dreyfuss] is a pianist who enters a music contest in San Francisco, with competition arrives in the form of [Amy Irving]. The two have met before, at an earlier festival, but he was too obsessed with his music then to notice her advances. @#00813Teacher [John Voight] is sendt to a troublesome all-black school in South Carolina in this hard hitting drama. By means of his unconventional approach to teaching and his effort to help those in his charge, the teacher gradually gains the friendship and respect of his pupils and their families. @#00814A tender drama about a forbidden friendship between a boy and a mentally deficient man. Geoff is a twelve year old who lives with his family on the New Zealand coast. One day he encounters a mentally retarded man named Firpo, who becomes Geoff's best friend. @#00815[Tom Selleck] plays Chicago based stockbroker Jon Aldrich, a family man with a seemingly perfect life. But his parents have been left out of the equation - Jon has not seen them for eight years and has no desire to get back in touch for fear that their presence might spoil his idylic lifestyle. @#00816[John Savage] stars as a Vietnam draftee from the mid-west who, while in New York encounters [Treat Williams] and his group of hippies hanging out in Central Park. Enraptured by the whole Age of Aquarius lifestyle, he tags along with them. @#00817A ranch cowboy with a penchant for dictatorship upsets his family and employees so much that they deside to wreak their revenge. @#00818This well-loved comedy relates the antics of a Mobile Army Surgical Hospital crew during the Korean war, where the dedicated surgeons turn to humor for relief from the horrors of a front line operating room. @#00819The Mouse being the tiny Duchy of Grand Fenwick, a self-governing state which declares war on the U.S., beliving that war losers experience a post war economic boom. However, with Prime Minister {Peter Sellers} in charge, losing the war is rather less easy than anticipated. Followed by 'The Mouse on the Moon' in 1963. @#00820Classic Modern horror movie about a group o teens, terroised in their sleep by Freddy Krueger, a hideously disfigured madman. If they die in their dreem they're not waking up. Introducing {Johnny Depp}. @#00821The film follows a production of a stage play, from it's rehearsals as hurtles ever forward towards opening night and the performances of all gradually get worse, rather than improve. @#00822Sharpshooter Matt Quigley ([Tom Selleck]) is hired from America by an Australian rancher so he can shoot aborigines at a distance. Quigley takes exception to this and leaves. The rancher tries to kill him for refusing, and Quigley escapes into the brush with a woman he rescued from some of the rancher's men, and are helped by aborigines. Quigley returns the help. @#00823An undercover cop and a beautiful intergalactic girl team up to catch an Alien monster who is committing a series of horrific murders in a major American city. @#00824[Jeff Bridges] stars as a carefree youn Southerner who is heir to a fortune of old Alabama money. However, his upper crust social life takes a strange turn when he befriends a group of bodybuilders. @#00825Slender musical-comedy starring [Doris Day] as a stage actress who agrees to a wager with her financially troubled uncle - If she mannages to anwser 'NO' to every question she is asked over a weekend, she will earn $25.000 to put towards her new show. @#00826Starring [John Travolta] as a Huston oil refinery worker who spends his evenings, along with the rest of his buddies, down at Gilley's bar, dressed up as cowboy duds and proving their manhood by riding the mechanical bull. @#00827Drama about a young girl named Charlie who lives with her single mother, sharing her time between mum, a kindly old lady who teaches her to tap dance, and her best friend Ben. When Ben's uncle bob looses his job, the pair decides to cheer him up by doing a little matchmaking with Charlie's mother. @#00828The two leads of [Caulfield] and [Pfeiffer] were much criticised at the time of this sequel's release, largely because they were not Travolta and Newton-John. But while [Caulfield] is a little drab as the straight-laced English student, [Michelle Pfeiffer] is a hoot as the Pink Lady who steals his heart. @#00829The classic camp comedy about a flamboyant gay nightclub owner who is corced into playing it 'straight' for his son's girlfriend and her parents. The clash of the in-laws is packed with over-the-top humor, and althrough every character is a stereotype, none is made to be the subject of redicule. @#00830[Marlon Brando] is an outlaw out for vengeance against [Karl Malden] the crook who betrayed him during a bank heist several years before. [Malden]'s now comfortably settled in Monterey as a shriff whit a wife and stepdaughter, but [Brando]'s arrival on the scene creates tensions between the old adversaries @#00831A cowboy goes on the hunt for the murderer of his girlfriend, and ends up in a dancehall full of dodgy gamblers and ... [Marlene Dietrich]. @#00832Martial arts sequel to the previous 4 "American Ninja", starring [David Bradley] as Jo Kastle, a gym instructor and martial arts master who finds himself lumbered with his teacher's precocious teenage nephew when he consents housesit for a weekend. @#00833A millionaire is found dead of heart failure handcuffed to the bed with a home video tape of him and his lover. When cocaine is found in his system, and his will leaves $8 million to his lover, they arrest her on suspicion of murder. Her lawyer succumbs to her charms, and he begins a torrid and kinky affair with her. As new evidence turns up during trial, he begins to wonder if he's defending a murderer. @#00834The acclaimed adventure story, with [Alan Ladd] as a Brittish convict deported to Australia and [James Mason] as the sadistic captain of the ship which conveys him there. Once the setting moves to Australia, the action hots up, with desease and aborigines lying in wait for the unsuspecting crews. @#00835Set during Wold War Two the plot focuses on the Allies' efforts to capture a series of bridges from occupied Holland to Nazi Germany A team of crack paratoopers is entrusted with the near-impossible task. Additional cast: [Dick Bogarde], [Elliot Gould], [Laurence Olivier], [Hardy Kruger], [Maximilian Schell], [Liv Ullmann] and [Arthur Hill]. @#00836[Goldie Hawn] plays a happy and successful New York artist, whose husband of six years is killed in a mysterious accident. Slowly, the bereaved widow begins to discover some bizarre and troubling evidence regarding the real identity of the man she loved and thought she knew. @#00837A tense thriller about a lonely man, Roger Paulson, who places an lonely hearts ad in a newspaper's personal column and gets more than he bargained for in the shape of Elaine Miller. Gradually, Roger begins to suspect that all may not be as it seems, and he resolves to find out who Elaine really is. @#00838Action adventure about a small elite group of American Marines, commanded by [David Carradine], who are dropped into the Vietnam jungle to rescue a POW with vital military information. @#00839One of several films to be released in the wake of the Gulf War, this action adventure features [Rob Lowe] as a young recruit to the S.E.A.L.S. force. He and another trainee find themselves falling for the same girl - but then Iraq invades Kuwait and they are forced into a genuine war situation much sooner than they had anticipated. @#00840A race-car driver from the present day is whisked forward in time to the 21st century, where he is to be the subject of a bizarre medical experiment. @#00841[Orson Welles] plays a devious, hissable villain tn this thriller / drama about an ex-boxer ([George Peppead]) who becomes a teacher for a young boy in Paris. But as the political situation in Europe deterioate, [Peppard] find himself being manipulated by the Fascist regime, lead by a slickly belivable [Welles]. @#00842Marie, Ellie and Nia are three women who work in a Los Angeles production house. The women's friendships are disrupted when a handsome young man arrives in town - Marie's ex, Mick. A tragedy strikes soon after when Marie is found dead under suspicious circumstances. @#00843Martial arts follow-up to the successful [Jean-Claude van Damme] film. David Sloane is a professional kickboxer who desides to retire from the sport to set up his own gym. But business is slow and he is forced back into the ring to win some much needed cash to keep the gym going. @#00844This Comedy-Thriller benefits from some great plot twists. The fun begins when an actress is run over by an unidentified driver, and her husband later invites some friends onto his yacht for a few days of... Murder... @#00845Battaglia, is a New York hood who has fought tooth and nail to protect his family, the D'Amicos, and keep their standing in the underworld. When the family decide to reward his bravery and service, Mike's wife Ruthie sees his chance for even greater things pushing him into a murderous path. @#00846A musician wakes up bellieving that he has murdered someone, and sets out with his investigative brother-in-law to find out wether he was hypnotised into committing the act. @#00847Two UCLA coeds have engine trouble in small Southern town. When they spurn the local sheriff's advances he arranges for them to be taken to the women's prison on trivial charges (the judge is a cousin), where they must endure atrocities at the hands of the administrators of the prison and the prison guards. @#00848A honeymoon cruise turns into a journey into terror for newlywed Lindsey Gates, when her husband Kenneth dissappears shortly after the ship sets sail. An investigation is launched & it transpires that Lindsey is registered for a single cabin under her maiden name @#00849Three estranged brothers are brought together for an almost unbearable trip from Michigan to Florida at the request of their father. It is 1963, and their assigned mode of transport is a 1954 Cadillac Coupe de Ville, which will damage on pain of death. @#00850Betty Lou Perkins has just about had enough of her small-town existence as a part time librarian and her boring police detective husband Alex. But Betty Lou spies an opportunity for a little excitement when a dead body is found and she stumbles upon the murder weapon. @#00851A couple of robots somehow manage to fall in love with one another, then decide to elope, in this lightweight and unusual tale. @#00852Chester Lee, a humble Mullen Industries employee desperate to secure a promotion agrees to captain a football team of teenage girls - The Ladybugs. Training them proves to to be an absolute nightmare. @#00853When [Jack Lemmon] and [Walter Matthau] find their respective wives can no longer put up with their annoying habits and file for divorce, the two buddies move into a New York apartment for a bit of companionship. @#00854'Snaps' Provolone, is a gangster, trying to live down his criminal past and keep his family from falling apart. Corrupt collegues and police complicates the matter. @#00855[Diane Keaton] stars as First lady Aggie Snow in this romantic comedy. When single writer Aggie runs into presidential candidate Hugh Hathaway [Ed Harris], she realises that she is still in love whit her secret high school sweetheart. @#00856{Mel Brooks} for some reason decided to wait a decade before spoofing Star Wars and it's like. [Rick Moranis] as Darth Vader clone Darth Helmet and [John Candy] as the reliable space dog, Barf provide a good few laughs. @#00857Romantic Comedy in which [Claudette Colbert] plays an authoress on the hunt for the perfect hero for her next novel, and finds him in soldier [John Wayne]. @#00858[Mary Steenburgen] stars as writer Marjorie Kinnan Rawlings in this statley drama. In 1928, Rawlings leaves her husband for the tranquility of Florida where she intends to write a major Gothic novel. However, her dreams turn sour when she gets writers block. @#00859Jim Garrison, a New Orleans D.A. is driven to investigate the accused Lee Harvey Oswald's claim that, 'I Am Just A Patsy'. In the course of his investigation, Garrison uncovers a tide of corruption within the US goverment, at the same time that his marriage is in serious jeopardy. @#00860The fourteen years which led up to the Russian revolution are here chronicled in loving and absorbing detail in this impressive drama which portrays the life of Tsar Nicholas II from 1904 to the execution of his family in 1918. @#00861Harry Fabian [Robert De Niro] is a New York City lawyer whose luck is fast running out. Partly through desperation and partly due to disgust at his own ambulance-chasing techniques, Harry decides to have a shot at the big time. @#00862{Steinbeck}'s play has now been filmed at least three times, but this most recent, version is widely reckoned to be the best.[John Malkovich] stars as Lennie, the mentally retarded man who depends upon his travelling. partner George to pilot him through a series of potentially threatening situations. @#00863A nineteen-year old girls promiscuous ways throw a well-to-do southern family into turmoil. Desperate for love and affection of any kind, Rose immediately falls for the man of the house - the courtly Daddy Hillyer @#00864Ex-con [Tommy Lee Jones] returns to his home after over a decade and receives short shrift from his teenage daughter [Martha Plimpton] and his parole officer [Brian Dennehy]. Strong cast for an otherwise routine story. @#00865During WWI Bill Pettigrew, a naive young Texan soldier is sent to New York for basic training. He meets worldly wise actress Daisy Heath when her car nearly runs him over. Daisy agrees to pretend to be Bill's girl to impress his friends, but then a real romance begins. @#00866The first of several planned film about the Nancy Kerrigan / Tonya Harding story which shook the world of competitive skating during the 1994 winter Olympics. [Alexandra Powers] stars as Harding, The skater accused of conspiring to cause harm to her arch-rival Kerrigan. @#00867[Gabrielle Anwar] stars as Sonara Webster in this drama about a young woman who auditions for a part in a travelling stunt show. Her role will be to plunge into a pool of water on horseback from a hight of forty feet, but the shows owner has doubt about her abilities. @#00868Brittish children's adventure in which five young kids, who call themselves the 4D Special Agents. Jane, Tricia, Danny, Olly and Steve are a Famous Five-style team who stumble on upon some stolen goods secreted in a deserted warehouse, but then find themselves in peril when the thieves turn up. @#00869Family comedy featuring a robot named Newman which is possessed by the spirit of the father of the boys who created it. When Josh and Max win a $1000 science prize, they split the cash - half goes into developing their makeshift robot. @#00870Poochook [Kris Emmerson] is an Eskimo boy who accidentally gets involved in an experiment ti harness the electromagnetic power of the North Pole. Poochook soon discovers that he has become a highly powerful source of electricity, and when he is brought to London for tests he finds himself prusued by kidnappers. @#00871A charming children's film about a school teacher named Fanny Crowe. In the late 19th century, Fanny leaves England for Australia, spurred by the promise of a better future with higher wages. But on her arrival Fanny soon realises that the Australia she has been promised does not exist. @#00872A Brittish Children's adventure film in which a small girl names Bess is confronted by the ghost of Sir Walter Raleigh while on a visit to the Tower of London. When he begs her to take him back to her home in Devon, she agrees - but problems are caused when Sir Walter's true intentions become apparent. @#00873Julie and Sarah are fove-year-old twin sisters who have worn out their mom Rhonda. One day Rhonda blurts out that she would love to have a few day's break from her little tearaways. The twins take her words to heart and decide to head off for their grandmother's house. @#00874The last two hary demons, still in their eggs, are sent out towards the stars in a tiny pod. With them is Charlie, frozen in suspended animation. After fifty years, Charlie and the Critters are picked up in deep space by a salvage spacecraft. @#00875Set in a small New England town where, thirty years previously, a series of mysterious child disappearances plaqued the town. Suddenly, the death of a little girl conjures up visions of the past and a group forms to track down the killer. As they get closer to the murderer, they realise that they are up against a formidable supernatural monster. @#00876[John Lithgow] is Dr. Carter Nix, a child psychologist whose fixation with raising his own daughter begins to arouse the suspicion of his wife, Jenny [Lolita Davidovich] @#00877A team of Victorian scientists tunnel their way to the centre of the earth in this fantasy-adventure. [Doug McClure] and [Peter Cushing] head the cast as the explorers who chance upon a dangerous, prehistoric land inhabited by warring prehistoric primitives. @#00878[Dana Ashbrook] plays an interplanetary traveller chasing the Devil in this humour-filled, low-budget fantasy flick. The Horned One beams over to modern day America and into the body of a young woman, ready to suck out the life of anyone who goes near her. But his advisary, chaser [Dana Ashbrook], has other plans. @#00879Never get them wet, never expose them to bright lights and never feed them after midnight. But when young Billy gets a little Mogwai creature called Gizmo for Christmas from his 'mad' inventor dad, it's not long before all three of these dont's have been done. Followed by 'Gremlins 2 the New Batch' in (1990). @#00880Max is travelling in a post apocalypse Australia where Gasoline is the most valuable commodity. He becomes involved in a struggle between bandits and a town that has build defenses around a small refinery. He must cross the no man's land several times to allow them to make a dash for freedom, pursued by the bandits in their vehicles. @#00881Indbrudseksperten Smukke Arne indlgges under politibevogtning p hospitalet. Her havner han p en fem-sengs med bl.a. legationssekretr Konrad Konradsen, som ikke blot har problemer med blindtarmen - han afpresses af den skumle produkthandler Gamtoft. Patienterne beslutter hjlpe Konradsen - med assistence af den meget erfarne frken Rosa, Smukke Arne's kreste. @#00882Action Thriller in which both the New York police (represented by [Anthony Quinn] and [Yaphet Kotto]) and the local mafia hound a gang who have stolen several hundreds of thousands of dollars from a bank. @#00883The fantastic tale of a 17th century aristocrat, his talented henchmen and a little girl in their efforts to save a town from defeat by the Turks. Being swallowed by a giant sea-monster, a trip to the moon, a dance with Venus and an escape from the Grim Reaper are only some of the improbable adventures. @#00884Set in an imaginary South American country and based on the novel by {Harold Robbins}. A violent revolutionary is the lead player in a lavish production about power, sex and vengeance. @#00885[Rita Hayworth] stars in this Melodrama-cum-thriller as a nightclub singer who, following the murder of her boyfriend, goes undercover with the police to help them flush out the gang responsible. [Glenn Ford] stars as her brother in law, who joins her on her dangerous search. @#00886A bigoted human policeman in the L.A. of the future and his alien partner learn to live with each other's differences while attempting to solve a drug conspiracy hidden in the subculture of Los Angeles' newest immigrant population: extraterrestrials. @#00887Based on a true story. A Uruguayan rugby team charter a plane to fly across the Andes. When the plane crashes, there are about 20-25 survivors. Spotter planes are sent to locate the plane and look for survivors, but hampered by the fierce weather conditions they soon give up hope of finding anyone alive. After weeks without food, the passengers are faced with a dilemma; eat the dead or join them. @#00888A U.S. Army satellite (Scoop VII) falls to earth near Piedmont, New Mexico. The recovery team experiences difficulties as it becomes clear that the satellite has performed its intended function all too well, and has brought back something from space. A team of scientists is assembled in a high-tech, underground facility to identify and defeat the "enemy" before it is too late. @#00889[Gene Wilder] stars as George, a pathological liar just out of a mental clinic, and [Richard Pryor] plays Eddie Dash, the con-man who is assigned to look after himas part of his community service. Pretty soon Eddie senses the whiff of a scam when George is mistaken for a missing billionaire. @#00890Love, blackmail, divorce, treachery it all happens in Another World, an award-winning soap opera that revolves around the lives and loves of three families - tle Loves, the Corys and the the Frames. @#00891Mortimer Bruster is a newspaperman and author known for his diatribes against marriage. We watch him being married at city hall in the opening scene. Now all that is required is a quick trip home to tell Mortimer's two maiden aunts. While trying to break the news, he finds out his aunts' hobby; killing lonely old men and burying them in the cellar. It gets worse. (Also shown in Computer Colored version). @#00892Tom Hanks is about to marry Tawny Kitaen. Her parents hate him. Her old boyfriend hates him. They all have money and he gets a cut of the crap games on the catholic school bus he drives. His friends decide to give him the bachelor party of all bachelor parties with an expensive hotel, booze, movies and hookers. As the players catch wind of the elements of the party, each adds a little monkey wrench so that one set of hookers ends up giving demos at the bride's shower, the brides friends end up dressed as hookers in a room with a number of non english speaking Japanese business men, and so on as things get out of hand. @#00893In yet another film patterned on _The Seven Samurai_, a band of diverse heroes in outer space are assembled to defend a planet of peaceful colonists from an armada of aggressors. If the special effects look familiar, it is because you've the same space sequences recycled in other low budget SF films. @#00894{Alistair MacLean}'s thriller novel proved equally gripping as a film, with the arctic setting stunningly photographed. The theme is that of a race between the superpowers to control the Earth's water systems and thereby to rule the globe. @#00895Tense drama about five American soldiers who tunnel beneath the Berlin Wall in order to rescue a young German Girl. Based on a novel by {Paul Lindquist}. @#00896Tacky parody of 'Vally of the Dolls' and similary melodramatic soap offerings. Hilariously vulgar offering from one of the cinema's most notorious directors. You have been warned. @#00897Beverly Hills 90210 is a drama series focusing on the life of a solid, mid-west family who intergrate into the larger-than-life Beverly Hills lifestyle. It explores the realities and myths of the social classes in Beverly Hills while at the same time exposing the strains this kind of lifestyle can put on family relationships. @#00898[Elizabeth Montgomery] stars in this spell-binding series about a witch who marries a human and tries to live a 'normal' existence, but the temptation to twitch her nose, an act that unleashes her magical powers, sometimes gets the better of her. [Dick York] (and later [Dick Sargent]) stars as her hyperactive, paranoid husband and [Agnes Moorehead] stars as her outrageous nosey mother. @#00899Humorous gambling tale set in the Old West town of Laredo, in which [Joanne Woodward] plays an apparently naive poker player who manages to win a small fortune thanks to her cunning tricks and 'gullible female' act. There's a neat surprise ending too. @#00900Historical epic about a swordmaker who, thanks to the patronage of King Arthur, becomes a celebrated knight. @#00901 Frank Farmer, an experienced bodyguard who reluctantly takes on a new client, singing superstar Rachel Marron. Gradually the pair fall in love, but there are troubles ahead because Rachel is being stalked by an obsessive fan who is prepared to go to extreme lengths to get to his prey. @#00902A drama following the lives of three boyhood friends as they confront the grim reality of life in teh South Central Los Angeles. Tre, a young boy growing up under the strong moral influence of hos single father Furious Styles, and neighbouhood buddies Ricky and Doughboy. @#00903British WW2 prisoners of war are given the task, by their Japanese captors, of building a railway bridge in a harsh Asian jungle. Led by Col Nicholson, a stereotypical British officer, the prisoners score a moral victory over the Japanese by not only building the bridge, but running the whole show. Unknown to Nicholson, an allied demolition team are planning a spectacular opening for the bridge. @#00904A feature lenght version of the exploits of these two mischevious cartoon characters, which also includes a host of other popular Warner Bros. shorts, featuring the likes of Daffy Duck, Porky Pig, Pepe LePew, Elmer Fudd and Wile E. Coyote. The Bugs Bunny footage which bind the shorts together was created specially for this compilation. @#00905{Richard Attenborough}'s biographical feature film was many years in the planning and it often lokked as though it would never be made. But the Brittish director had the courage to see through this sprawling documentary of the man whom many regard as the funniest comedian of the century. @#00906In the year 1999, teenagers have become so uncontrollable that millitary robot teachers have been called in to precide over classrooms. However, when the teachers begin to malfunction and violently assault the students, a small band decide to make a stand. @#00907An animated version of Alexander Dumas' exiting tale of Edmond Dantes, the famed swordsman who, wrongly imprisoned by his enemies escapes from his cell and begins a 15-year quest for revenge. @#00908In this sequel, more of the man-eating hedgehogs from outer space hatch from eggs laid on Earth two years previously and wreak more hair-raising havoc in a small Kansas town. @#00909Based on {Roald Dahl}'s classic adventure story, this exiting children's tale stars [Jeremy Irons] as William, the father of nine-year-old Danny. Local events take a turn for the worst when the Manor on which Danny lives is taken over by a new Lord. @#00910[Larry Fishburne] stars as narcotics cop Russell Stevens Jr., who goes deep undercover to infiltrate and then destroy the Gallegos cocaine cartel. Stevens arrives in the criminal underworld as drug buyer John Q. Hull, with only one warning from his superior - don't blow your cover. @#00911Insurance salesman Walter Neff meets attractive Phyllis Dietrich when he calls to renew her husband's automobile policy. The couple are immediately drawn to each other and an affair begins. Soon they cook up a scheme to murder Mr. Dietrich for the insurance money, but all does not go to plan. @#00912When a woman sees her brother who was supposed to have with died along with her son, she naturally becomes suspicious. When he claims to be someone else, she isn't convinced. After tracing the home of the 'brother', she and her husband stumble upon a top secret project. They get too close to the truth and are therefore intercepted... @#00913Quirky drama in which [George Sanders] plays a Czech who arrives in America and works his way up the social ladder by charming his way around several New York's women. @#00914[Kirk Douglas] stars as a shorttempered New York detective in this brooding drama about a day in the life of a precinct police station. Based on the stage play by {Sidney Kingsley}, the film also stars [William Bendix] as [Douglas]'s streetwise colleague and sympathiser. @#00915Two cops, Tom and Eddie share a bond of loyalty because Eddie saved Tom's life several years before. Now, though, Eddie's turned to dealing in drugs, unbeknown to Tom. When Eddie has a disagreement with a pusher, he murders him, steals the money and frames Tom for the crime. @#00916[Charles Bronson] and [Dana Delany] play an unlikely father and daughter team in this thriller. Mike and Dina Donato are both members of the LAPD, who find themselves reluctantly partnered on the case od a new serial killer who is stalking the City's women. @#00917A mixed-nationality couple enter into a marriage of convenience - and then find the aftermath far from convenient. [Patsy Kensit] is Deena Stevens, an American entertainer in Paris who must marry fast before her work permit expires, while Nick Fouillet ([Stephen Freiss]) is a poor songwriter ready to do anything for money. @#00918Comedy about a young man named Gus whose recovery from Parkinson's Disease has left him healthy but lacking in confidence in love. Gus's sister Lizzie, a successful romantic author who decides to teach her lonely brother all there is to know about finding true love. @#00919An exiting western about a racially mixed Cavalery unit holding off an Indian siege. @#00920World War II naval adventure about an American destroyer and it's deadly games with a German U-boat in the South Atlantic. The underwater special effects won this movie an Oscar. @#00921Equal Justice is a drama about the inner workings of a fictional big city prosecutor's office. there are nine principal characters, including six district attorneys from various backgrounds, each of whom has a different agenda and career goal, the bureau chief and his wife and the District Attorney. @#00922Young Leonard Draycott goes to stay with his aunt in the rural village of West Poley. As Leonard and his cousin Stephen explore the local area, they decide to divert the course of a river which once flowed near some caves. Unfortunately, however, their actions result in an exiting and dangerous adventure. @#00923California's celebrated wine country is the backdrop for this explosive series about a struggle for power and land between two factions of the Gioberti family. Angela Channing controles one half of the vineyards and her nephew Case controles the other half that she is determined ti have for herself. @#00924Comedy about an aging hippie who, nostalgic for the long-gone days of the 1960s and the friends he once had, is packed off by his concerned family on a cross-country quest to relive his past and rediscover himself. @#00925Meredith Cole is a single mother living with her young son Sean in a luxurious home in Los Angeles. She decides to take on a lodger, Jane. But things start to turn nasty when a man who claims to be Jane's brother Peter shows up and attempts to seduce Meredith. @#00926A cartoon star for over 70 years - which makes him more enduringly popular than even [Mickey Mouse] - feline favorite [Felix the Cat], created in 1919, returns in this entertaining animated adventure. When the Princess of the Kingdom of Oriana is kidnapped by the evil Duke of Zill, only [Felix], with his magic bag of tricks can save the once happy land. @#00927A beautiful romantic comedy about diner waitress Frankie, who hasn't had a date in four years, and ex-convict short-order cook Johnny, who is determined to reverse that trend by any means necessary. @#00928[James Caan] stars as a Californian college professor with a gambling problem. His problem being that has a compulsion to loose. Underneath the basic plot there's a much deeper study of human life struggling to get out, but it dosen't matter if you ignore this part and jist enjoy the superficial story. @#00929Another spin-off from the successful comedy series 'Man About the House' sees the Ropers deciding to leave the downstairs flat and move to middleclass surburbia. @#00930After many years of hostility, sheriff [Robert Mitchum] and his nemesis, train robber [George Kennedy], team up to twart a planned train heist in this blacky comedy western. @#00931This laid back Western stars genre stalwart [Gary Cooper] as a doctor in a gold-mining camp, who devotes his time to treating blind girl [Maria Schell]. Unfoutunately, however, the doctor has a rather sinister past which may place his patient in considerable danger. Introducing [Ben Gazzara]. @#00932Harry is a 20 year-old obsessed with death, while Maude is an octogenarian with a passion for life. Together this unlike pair make for one of the most blackly hilarious partnerships in film comedy - and one of the most improbable romantic couples. @#00933Jonathan and Jennifer Hart have the most idyllic relationship you're ever likely to see. To keep the spark in their romance, they travel all over the globe as detectives, getting entangled in the most outlandish predicaments. @#00934Meet Boomer, he's a happy wandere - a roving vagabond pooch who never stays with one person very long. Yet, everyone who comes in contact with this wonderful stray finds their life changed by the experience. Follow his charming adventures with the humans in this charming series. @#00935When his mother dies, Texan Billy Ray 'Hurricane' Smith ([Carl Weathers]) flies out to Australia to look for his sister Sally, who has mysteriously disappeared. He finds a prostitute called Julie living in Sally's house, and together the two embark on a perilous mission to track her down. @#00936A sparkling comedy about a rougish French poet who leads people's uprising against King Louis XI. [Ronald Colman] plays the outsmarted King, with [Basil Rathbone] turning in an Oscar nominated performance as the wily poet whose 'love-making was as dangerous as his swordplay'. @#00937Set in Russia in 1939, The Inner Circle tells the true story of Ivan Sanshin, a humble cinema projectionist who finds himself caught up in the geadly game of politics that was taking place in the country at that time. @#00938Joanna Warrenis plunged into a terrifying nightmare when a childhood friend is murdered. A seriel killer 'Deep Woods Killer' is targeting career women in the local area and has shattered the tranquillity of this otherwise peaceful town. @#00939A French soldier falls in love with and marries [Ann Sheridan], a member of the American forces, but finds that leaving for the States is just a little harder. Deciding that the only way out is to joyn a convoy of departing war brides, [Cary Grant] dolls up in his best frock and secretes himself somewhere in the crowd. @#00940Children's adventure in which a little Red Indian girl named Maria is drawn into an exiting mystery involving magical spirits and some greedy land developers. @#00941Young Brittish detectives Tim and Nick Diamond [Dursley McLinden] and [Colin Dale] are plunged into a mystery along the lines of 'The Maltese Falcon' in this thriller about a prized box of 'Malesers'. @#00942James Dela, a maverick Chicago policeman is dispatched to track down a journalist who has completely wigged out and is murdering members of the local mafia. Dela's mission (should he choose to accept it) is to get to the jaundiced jouro off the streets before he ends up offing some innocent civilians. @#00943A film about a group of English, American and Australian POW's during World War II. When an US officer bribes the Japanese camp commanders to provide him with better living conditions, testion arises between him and his fellow prisoners. @#00944When fifteen year old Bruce Farmer suddenly discovers that he has been given a false identity, that his parents are not his natural parents and that the boy he used to be official died two years ago, he finds himself targeted by a variety of groups who wants him dead. @#00945The true story of anthropologist Alfred Kroeber and his discovery of Ishi, the sole survivor of the otherwise defunct Yahi Indian tribe, at the turn of the century. @#00946Amy Fisher, 'Long Island Lolita', was a high school teenager who shot and injured the wife of her much older lover, Joey Buttafuoco. Fisher later claimed that she and Joey had been romancing one another for ten months while she earned money from prostitution, and that the shooting was completely accidental. @#00947An epic adventure following the mythical Children's Crusade of the 12th century. [Eric Stoltz] leads a band of juvenile knights to the holy Land in search of King Richard II, batteling the forces of the omnious Black Prince ([Gabriel Byrne]) as they go. @#00948Children's drama about a young girl called Charley, who lives with her family in a generally affluent area. The family is looked down upon by the locals, until Charley embarks on a heroic rescue which begins to change people's attitude towards her. @#00949Violent World War II film in which three Brittish soldiers capture a German and then find themselves caught up on the front line, facing gunfire from their own army. Brutal, stylised and thought provoking. @#00950Full-length children's animated film featuring the exploits of a beautiful orphan girl named Cindy who sets off to visit her grandmother, and encounters a variety of farytale characters along the way. The Big Bad Wolf, The Seven Dwarfs, Pinocchio and Prins Charming all appear in in this charming tale about a poor girl who finally finds wealth and happiness. @#00951This exurberant '70's comedy series highlights the trails and tribulations of flat sharing, especially when your landlords live downstairs. Due to the series huge success it spawned a lot of spin-offs. @#00952The true World War II story about a Brittish Secret Service plot to confuse the enemy by planting some false identification papers on the body of a dead man in the sea. Meanwhile, the Allies prepared to invade Sicily... @#00953Los Angeles policeman Sean Thompsons' girlfriend Billie feels that he is frequently too cold and remote. Sean knows the reason for this - his father died he was young and his life has been a nightmare since because his younger brother Michael is such a handful. @#00954There is a time in everyone's life where they must accept the fact that they are an adult, Melrose Place follows a group of 'twenty-somethings' into young adulthood as they grapple with rent, careers and 'real' love andthe endless responsibillities that come with being on your own for the first time. @#00955[Jon Voight] and [Dustin Hoffman] star in the tale of a Texan hustler who breezes into New York and is taken under the wing of a sleazy opportunist. Together the pair manege to con the city's wealthier women out of their money. @#00956Effectively scary black comedy about a motel-owning brother and sister who make sausages - but exactly what are their ingredients?. @#00957[Joel McCrea] stars in this exiting wilderness tale about a trapper in the Canadian mountains who relentlessly pursues (with the help of his faithful young Indian companion) a valuable untamed stallion and a deadly three-toed grizzly bear. @#00958Naked Lunch the movie is as bizarre and disturbing, with some outrageous sequences involving William Lee, en ex-drug addict who now make a living exterminating cockroaches. Suddenly, without warning, he is sucked into a seedy underworld inhabited by drug-taking spies. @#00959Martial arts action starring [Lorenzo Lamas] as a man who, in atempting to raise himself out of crime, finds himself embroiled in a murder hunt. @#00960When Betty accompanies her husband on a trip back to his Iranian homeland, she is shocked by the native women's subservience and seeming willingness to relinquish their rights. Her husband decides to stay in Iran, keeping her and their child with him as virtuel prisoners. @#00961Farcial European action with [Richard Lewis] and [Sean Young] as an American couple who find a dachshound in Rome and head for Monte Carlo to collect a reward from it's wealthy owner. But complications set in on arrival in France, when the owner is found dead and [Lewis] and [Richard] are suspect numeros un et deux. @#00962Beautifyl, stirring TV adaptation of {Willa Cather}'s novel, starring [Jessica Lange] as Alexandra Bergson, a Swedish immigrant at the turn of the century who, following the death of her father, is left to farm the land alone. @#00963Hollywood remake of the French film 'La Fete a Henriette', in which a French-based screenplay author ([William Holden]) and his secretary ([Audrey Hepburn]) act out his idears in the effort to get his latest film-script finished. @#00964[Humphrey Bogart] is a journalist who escapes from the prison on Devil's Island and is rescued by a French freighter which subsequently becomes a Nazi target. Claude Rains is a Frenchman who was aboard the ship, and relates the story to another journalist ([John Loder]). @#00965[Carl Boehm] stars as psychopath Mark Lewis, a humble film studio employee whose obsession with the moving image leads him to film his victims as he murder them. Undoubtedly disturbing, those of a nervous dispositon are advised against viewing. @#00966Thriller about a young man who picks up a hitch-hiker, a seemingly mild mannered housewife named Patricia who's stranded by the side of the road. However, she turns out to be the Chameleon, a deadly serial killer with alternate personalities who assume the identities of others before killing them. @#00967Dr. Susan Lowenstein is a New York psychiatrist treating an emotionally scared woman named Savannah Wingo. When the woman's brother Tom arrives to help reconstruct the Wingo's troubled past, he and Susan find themselves allies in comming to terms with their own very turbulent lives. @#00968A true story, set in 1962, in which Sherri Finkbine, a young mother who hosts a local children's television show, is currently expecting her fifth child with her husband Bob. Seh learns that her child may be born without limbs because she has taken the drug Thalidomide. @#00969Beleagured single father [John Ritter] moves to a new town, looking for a wife and mother for adopted 'son-from-Hell' [Michael Oliver]. Double the trouble is what he ends up with, when his pre-teen prankster teams up with the devilish daughter of the woman he's wooing. Sequel to 'Problem Child' (1990). @#00970Fairchild is a rookie special agent whose first assignment sees her undercover in a bank in Jakarta. She's not impressed with the details of the mission, thinking that it will be dull, but on arriving in Jakarta she discovers that her supposed partner has disappeared. @#00971Flamboyant director {Howard Hawks} supervised this romantic drama, set in the world of car racing. The life and loves of a variety of racers are explored in this big budget production which stars [James Caan] as driver Mike Marsh. @#00972Lucas McCain is a widower trying to raise his young son on a ranch in New Mexico. This is the story of their family life and the many problems they encounter living in the old west. @#00973Animated fun with Shaggy, Scoby and Scrappy when they join forces with a crazy team of ghost exterminators in order to investigate a sinister plot involving ancient family diamonds. @#00974[Zeljko Ivanek] is frighteningly compelling as the attempted suicide who is escorted to a mental hospital and placed under the charge of Dr. Gail Farmer, However, far from reforming in the Hospital, the man wreaks a spiritual havoc, causing all sorts of disturbing things to happen. @#00975A motorcycling lawyer bikes into a small town, in wich a gang of male thugs have been terrorizing the lives of at least two women, raping and assaulting them. The problem is that no one is prepared to confront them because the entire town is living in fear of them. @#00976Soap opera-style thriller starring (Lindsay Wagner) as a beautiful, rich heiress who, following an attack by a masked intruder, is left in a coma for over a year. When she regains consciousness, her main concern is to discover the identity of her assailant before he strikes again. @#00977This gothic action adventure series follows Randi Wallace, an American graduate student of mythology and para psychology, and professor Ian Matheson as they encounter supernatural beings, monsters and creatures of the night. During their exploits, they search for a cure for her monthly metamorphosis into a She-Wolf. @#00978Semi-serious comedy with [Richard Pryor] doing his stuff as a Vietnam Veteran who returns home after six years in a hellish prison camp. However, he finds that a denouncement he made during the war to ensure that a friend would receive medical attention has not gone down too well in the States. @#00979A young [Shirley Temple] wables in one of her first film roles in this entertaining musical about a show producer (an over the top [Waner Baxter]) who is appointed to head the president's new department of amusement in the depression years. @#00980Starring [William Shatner] as Captain James T. Kirk, Star Trek is the story of man's adventures in space houndreds od years into the future. To ensure mix of drama and fact, scientists from the world famous {Rand Corporation} acted as consultants in the planning, writing and filming of Star Trek. After a failed first pilot episode, the series was almost canceled, but the series creator {Gene Roddenberry}'s firm belive in the concept earned him another chance. And the next pilot launched Star Trek into the huge success which spawned several spin-offs. @#00981Deep Space 9 takes place near the beginning of the 24th century and follows the adventures of a team of Starfleet Officers who take command of a remote alien space station (called Deep Space 9) near the edge of a new frontier. The space station is located near the stable end of a newly discovered 'wormhole', a phenomenon that provides a shortcut to distant, unexplored quadrants of the galaxy. The series is a spin-off from the popular Star Trek: The Next Generation, which again is a spin-off of the Original Star Trek. @#00982As a new crew takes over a abandoned Cardassian space station orbiting above Bajora, an artificial worm hole opens up, and holds Sisko for examination. [A Weapon passes through Odo.] [Odo seen as a Bag] @#00983The crew of the Enterprise is put on trial by a mysterious force called "Q" for all the crimes of mankind. @#00984Comedy-Drama starring [Griffin Dunne], which explores the traumas, happiness and haertache that an average American family goes through when the parents divorce and remarry. @#00985[Liza Minnelli] plays Mary Jane 'Pookie' Adams, a young woman who has just begun at a new college and who imposes herself on fellow student [Jerry Payne]. A romance blossoms, naturally, but like most cases of young love, it's foundation is far from solid. @#00986An aging widow decides to produce her own children's story programme for cable TV. But she proves popular and is soon on her way to network TV, where she has to come to terms with an inherent lack of creative control. When breaks her contract as a result, she is thrown into a legal world about which she know nothing. @#00987Rip-roaring comedy starring [Burt Reynolds] as a champion race car driver whose high-speed hijinks consistently land him in trouble with his promoter [Ned Beatty]. @#00988Happy musical with [Judy Garland] as a country lass who falls in love with [Gene Kelly], a theatre type who is staging a show in her barn - and who decides that she has star qualities of her own (but then, wee all knew that allready). @#00989This salty drama tells the tale of an family who sells their farm to buy a big yacht and sail across the South Pacific to Australia. Disaster strikes, however, as disaster is wont to do and pretty soon the whole clan find themselves sinking after running into a killer whale. @#00990[Yul Brynner] stars as the notorious Cossack Tara Bulba, with [Tony Curtis] as one of his headstrong sons, in this action adventure movie about the Polish revolution of the 16th century. @#00991World War II action film set in the Phillipines, following the exploits of American torpedo boats battling against the Japanese forces. [Robert Montgomery] and [John Wayne] star as the boats' lieutenants, left to find out their ships' true potential in an increasingly dangerous territory. @#00992Starring [Meredith Baxter Birney] as Betty Broderick, a wife and mother of two who, following her ex-husband's remarriage, shot both him and his new wife. This film, a sequel to the original television movie that detailed the crime itself, charts the course of her two year trial through to the final dramatic verdict. @#00993{Betty Smith}'s moving novel about a family living in the slums of turn-of-the-century New York is realised by {Elia Kazan} in this accomplished movie, with [James Dunn] (who won an Oscar) in particular excelling as the alcoholic father. @#00994En journalist kommer p sporet af en svensk skovtrold og skyr ingen midler for at f en god historie. @#00995When pursued by Jake [(Meatloaf)] and his dumb sidekick, the abominable snowman (who is actually only the size of a teddy bear) seeks refuge in the rucksack of an American explorer, Dave Bristow [(Jim Gordon)]. Dave unwittingly carries the Yeti back home to New York with him. @#00996Everyone's favorite nun [Julie Andrews] stars in this romantic comedy about an unlikely couple who are thrust together by fate. What neither of them expects is that they will fall in love with one another - but that is exactly what happens. @#00997Anyone who watched {David Lynch}'s Twin Peaks television series will need no introduction to this, his 'prequel' to the murder mystery which chronicles the last seven days in the life of Laura Palmer [Sheryl Lee]. @#00998[Annette Bening] and [Colin Firth) are the young aristocratic lovers The Marquise de Merteuli and Valmont, who toy with and manipulate one another on a grand scale. Many other individuals are drawn into their elaborate games, which ultimately ends in disaster. Based on the same novel as "Dangerous Liaisons." @#00999A team of three young criminals, all from wealthy families, successfully hold hostage a school bus containing children and their driver. The bus is forced down into an underground prison which is almost impossible to find. Effectively burried alive, the hostages must battle to keel calm. @